
Alex Holcombe's blog

open science, open access, meta-science, perception, neuroscience, ...
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AcademiaOpen AccessPsicologíaInglés
Autor Alex O. Holcombe

Academic publishing is stuck in an outmoded system. Most scientific research is paid for by government and non-profit university funds, but high-profit corporate publishers often control access to the results of the research. In this video, we showcased the absurdity of the situation and also pointed towards how to get ourselves un-stuck. There are significant costs associated with what journal publishers do, so we need publishers in some form.

Autor Alex O. Holcombe

We (Hal Pashler, UCSD, hpashler at gmail and Alex Holcombe) are developing web-based software to help people interested in a scientific issue represent and inspect multiple competing hypotheses and the evidence which supports or fails to support each hypothesis.

Autor Alex O. Holcombe

3 CHAST ( lectures: Why we cannot make life Professor Bert Meijer, Molecular Sciences, Organic Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology and 2011 Cornforth Foundation Lecturer, University of Sydney Where : Old Geology Lecture Theatre, Edgeworth David Bldg, University of Sydney, map: When: Wednesday 31 August, 6:30-7:30pm.

AcademiaEvidencechartingOpen AccessOpen ScienceSciencePsicologíaInglés
Autor Alex O. Holcombe

The transmission of new scientific ideas and knowledge is needlessly slow: Flow slower Solution Journal subscription fees Open access mandates Competition to be first-to-publish motivates secrecy Open Science mandates Jargon Increase science communication;

Autor Alex O. Holcombe

My talk for the Sydney University psychology department will be at 4pm in the Education building, room 424. Below, the abstract: Localizing a single object relative to oneself is fairly easy—ever seen a plant reaching towards the sun? It’s a no-brainer. A less trivial task is determining the position of two objects relative to each other.

Holcombe LabPerceptionPsychologyPsicologíaInglés
Autor Alex O. Holcombe

We discovered that when an array of colored discs was spun so fast that attention could no longer keep up with it, people could no longer perceive which colors were adjacent. Together with an additional attentional cueing experiment, this phenomenon suggests that a shift of attention is required to mentally link adjacent elements and apprehend their spatial relationship. The experiments are described in: Holcombe, A., Linares, D., &

AcademiaOpen AccessPsicologíaInglés
Autor Alex O. Holcombe

How can we reduce the ability of publishers to charge exorbitant fees to read articles we give them for free? This situation drains university budgets and prevents public access to scientific information. One of many things we can do is referee manuscripts only for open-access journals. Another is to only publish in open-access journals. I’m trying to organize some kind of group pledge to make a stand on one of these or both.

AcademiaOpen AccessPsicologíaInglés
Autor Alex O. Holcombe

A few months ago when the 2012 Australian Research Council Discovery Project funding rules came out, I was excited to see them putting money into open access publication: But you always have to read the fine print. When preparing my grant application, I discovered that one is not allowed to include publication costs as an item in the budget.

Autor Alex O. Holcombe

Journal Fee Fast-track Service Journal of Internet Medical Research 450 USD “initial decision within 15 working days, publication within 1 month after acceptance” Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (JDCTA), and associated journals* 2000 USD “to review and publish your paper within 6 ~ 8 weeks” Mathematical and Computational Forestry &