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Science in the Open

The online home of Cameron Neylon
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A note on changes: I’m going to vary my usual practice in this series and post things in a rawer form with the intention of incorporating feedback and comments over time. In the longer term I will aim to post the series in a “completed” form in one way or another as a resource. If there is interest then it might be possible to turn it into a book. There is no statement more calculated to make a publisher’s blood boil than “Publishers?

FeaturedHeadlineAPCCeokCultural-scienceOtras Ciencias SocialesInglés

One of the odd things about scholarly publishing is how little any particular group of stakeholders seems to understand the perspective of others. It is easy to start with researchers ourselves, who are for the most part embarrassingly ignorant of what publishing actually involves. But those who have spent a career in publishing are equally ignorant (and usually dismissive to boot) of researchers’ perspectives.

FeaturedCultural-scienceOpen ResearchOpen ScienceResource-politicsOtras Ciencias SocialesInglés

The following is a version of the text I spoke from at the STEPS 2015 Conference, Resource Politics, at a session on Open Science organised by Valleria Arza, where I spoke along with Ross Mounce and Cindy Regalado. This version is modified slightly in response to comments from the audience. There aren’t too many privileged categories I don’t fall into. White, male, middle class, middle aged, home owner.

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Researchers for the most part are pretty smart people. At the very least they’ve managed to play the games required of undergraduate and post graduate students, and out-competed a substantial proportion of other vying for the same places. Senior academics have survived running the gauntlet of getting published, and getting funded, at least enough to stay in the race.

FeaturedArchitectureDefinitionsGovernanceInfrastructureOtras Ciencias SocialesInglés
Autor Geoffrey Bilder

We ducked a fundamental question raised by our proposal for infrastructure principles: “what exactly counts as infrastructure?” Of course this is not a straightforward question and part of the reason for leaving it in untouched in the introductory post. We believe that any definition must entail a much broader discussion from the community.

Otras Ciencias SocialesInglés

A question I have got quite frequently over the last few months is “…no but seriously, what are you actually doing …”. The answer has got more precise bit by bit but I truly didn’t leave PLOS with a specific plan for world domination. What I did want to do was find a way to combine a return to a hard core research focus with projects that really are very practical.

FeaturedAcademic FreedomAcademic ResponsibiltiesAlice GoffmanDiederik StapelOtras Ciencias SocialesInglés

There has been much talk about both “academic freedom” as well as the responsibilities of scholars over the past few weeks. Both of these are troublesome concepts, not least because one person’s “freedom” is another’s irresponsible conduct. But particularly in the context of “academic freedom” the question of freedom to do or say what, and what responsibilities come with that is complex.

FeaturedBBCCivicsGovernanceInfrastructureOtras Ciencias SocialesInglés

On March 30 the BBC broadcast a 40 minute talk from Martha Lane Fox. The Richard Dimbleby Lecture is an odd beast, a peculiarly British, indeed a peculiarly BBC-ish institution. It is very much an establishment platform, celebrating a legendary broadcaster and ring marshaled by his sons, a family that as our speaker dryly noted are “an entrenched monopoly” in British broadcasting.

Bursty WorkFeedsFriendfeedRssOtras Ciencias SocialesInglés

Following on from (but unrelated to) my post last week about feed tools we have two posts, one from Deepak Singh, and one from Neil Saunders, both talking about ‘friend feeds’ or ‘lifestreams’. The idea here is of aggregating all the content you are generating (or is being generated about you?) into one place.