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Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.
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CheminfOpenbabelCiencias QuímicasInglés

Igor wrote a message to the CCL mailing list about OSRA: The email does not give any information on the fail rate, but the demo they provide via the webinterface does show some minor glitches (the bromine is not recognized): The source reuses OpenBabel and uses the GPL license. The value equal to that of text mining tools like OSCAR3 , and together they sounds like the Jordan and Pippen of mining chemical literature.

BioinfoCiencias QuímicasInglés

Deepak blogged about screencasting for bio topics, concentrated at of which he is co-owner. I guess it is like a YouTube for bioinformatics thingies. Jean-Claude picked this up very quickly (seen on Cb? At least I did.), and already uploaded a screencast, demoing JSpecView written by Robert. I wonder if he will upload the screencasts he made for Bioclipse too?

CdkCheminfCiencias QuímicasInglés

The Chemistry Development Kit has a rich set of data classes, each of which is defined by an interface. While the classes for atoms, bonds and a connectivity table are fairly straightforward, but beyond that it is sometimes not entirely clear. I will now discuss all interfaces in a series of blog items. I’ll start with the IChemFile. Christoph, please correct me if I move to far away from our Notre Dame board sketch.

CdkOpenscienceCiencias QuímicasInglés

So, with all these people blogging about the Open Science Notebook (yes, each word is one distinct blog) it is worth looking back in time. To make clear what I put under the OSN: a notebook in which experimental details and outcome are written down. So, what did the OSN look like almost ten years ago?

CdkCiencias QuímicasInglés

Second in a series of articles summarizing articles that cite one of the main CDK articles for CDK News. The first CDK Literature was already half a year ago, so it was about time. Bioclipse Nothing much I have to say about that. Just browse my blog and you’ll see that it heavily uses CDK, JChemPaint and Jmol. See also the Bioclipse blog.

Ciencias QuímicasInglés

Everyone of use knows that big pile of paper on your desk that contains the things we want to read, scan or just browse. I even have an electronic equivalent. Another pile contains leaflets and glossy folders from conferences, like the ACS meeting in Chicago. OK, going to get rid of those last ones, and will shortly put the links here. The first leaflet is from Chemistry Central, one of the open access publishers.

CdkCiencias QuímicasInglés

Atom typing is one of principal activities in chemoinformatics. Atom types provide additional information that cannot be derived from the connection table that is being used, or may define what force fields terms should be used. This makes perception of atom types very important. The CDK has a few places where atom types are perceived. The HydrogenAdder and ValencyChecker are two examples.