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CFPCFPs ConferencesJulyEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor CSTonline

CFP: The War Face on Screen, a one-day symposium, Thursday 6th July 2023, University of Leeds  Deadline: Tuesday 2 May 2023 The central research question for this symposium is: how have images of the face been used on screen to document the phenomenon of war?

CFPCFPs ConferencesEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor CSTonline

Keynote Speakers Concepción Cascajosa Virino (UC3M) Paul Julian Smith (CUNY) Streaming Wars: The New Hispanic TV Series is an international virtual workshop centered on the increasing significance and prominence of Spanish-language streaming content. Digital platforms are important agents in transmitting values and sociocultural changes, and TV series are one of their key vehicles.

BlogsECREAEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor Melissa Beattie

In a recent CST blog, I discussed some of the negative issues surrounding the use of a fictitious country in the context of a series which also features both actual countries and attempts of sociocultural and/or sociopolitical critique.  For this blog [1], I would like to provide a counterpoint with an example of how the use of a fictitious country can be done in a way that is more nuanced, if not necessarily more positive.

CFPCFPs ConferencesSeptemberEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor CSTonline

Organized by Céline Murillo (Université Paris 13), Mehdi Achouche (Université Paris 13), Anne-Marie Paquet Deyris (Université Paris Nanterre), Nicole Cloarec (Université de Rennes) September 6-8, 2023 Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers , Université Paris 13, France Keynote Speakers Joan Hawkins (Indiana

CFPCFPs ConferencesNovemberEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor CSTonline

Website: One of the first academic conferences devoted to videographic research was held at the Frankfurt Filmmuseum and Goethe University in Germany in 2013. Titled “The Audiovisual Essay: Practice and Theory,” the conference emphasized practice in the presentation-based discussions.

BlogsECREAEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor Melissa Beattie

By dint of their genre, medical series often deal with matters of morality and ethics.  This in part lends itself to storylines about playing ‘god(s)’ which can then position the medical personnel as divine entities who are capable of both positive and negative acts (Jacobs 2003). But medical series can also mimic detective series, as House (Fox 2004-2012), an iteration of Sherlock Holmes, most certainly does.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor CSTonline

Edited by Dr Noel Brown (Liverpool Hope University) Deadline for proposals: 30 April 2023 I am seeking chapter proposals for possible inclusion in a forthcoming volume exploring radical children’s film and television. This edited collection is intended as an inaugural volume in the new ‘Children’s Film and Television’ book series, published by Edinburgh University Press.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor CSTonline

Editors: Professor Anna Backman Rogers, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and Dr Houman Sadri, University of South-Eastern Norway Since their publication in 1865 and 1871 respectively, Lewis Carroll’s Alice novels have inspired a wealth of academic and artistic interpretations and re-interpretations.

CFPCFPs ConferencesJuneEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor CSTonline

The 21 st century has seen an exponential rise of what can be loosely defined as spiritual media and culture – virtual worlds are replete with reports of mystical experiences, and astrology apps, tarot readings on TikTok, or wicca influencers on YouTube can attract millions of subscribers, followers, and views.

BlogsEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor Teresa Forde

The Trump administration prompted a space for dissent, critique and counter positioning within the media. Inevitably its extreme agenda had an impact on television. Trump’s rhetoric was so problematic that there would inevitably be responses to his views and policies within a range of television programming. The divisive language represented the then President’s emphasis upon borders, exclusion and enemies, both outside and within the USA.