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CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
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Call for Papers Queer Children’s Film and TV: Gender, Sexuality and Childhood in Youth Screen Cultures Edinburgh University Press, Children’s Film and Television Series Rachel Milne and Abigail Jenkins (eds.) We are still looking for a couple of chapter proposals to fill some gaps in our forthcoming edited collection, Queer Children’s Film and TV . The collection explores depictions of queerness in and the queerness

CFPsCFPs ConferencesEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor CSTonline

Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association Postgraduate Network Conference 2024 Edinburgh Napier University Merchiston Campus 30th August We invite postgraduate researchers and practitioners working within media, communication and cultural studies to propose contributions for the 2024 MeCCSA PGN conference.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor CSTonline

se see the following CFP for an edited collected on television series created by Golden Girls creator Susan Harris. Edited by Rosanne Welch This edited volume on the works of Susan Harris will be part of the new SCREEN STORYTELLERS series published by Bloomsbury Academic. Seeking 250-word abstracts for previously unpublished essays on television series created by Harris.

CFPCFPs ConferencesEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor CSTonline

KEYNOTES Katlin Marisol Sweeney-Romero (UC Davis), S. Jonathon O’Donnell (Queen’s University Belfast), Matthew Carter (Manchester Metropolitan University) Reprising its first edition, the conference will focus on how US American identities have been shaped, informed, configured, and challenged since the country’s foundation.

BlogsECREAEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor Elke Weissmann

There are, I believe, in all countries myths that emphasise some places as outliers, as different from the norm. In France, this myth was humorously captured in the film Welcome to the Sticks (Dany Boon, 2008) . In Germany, it is noticeable in how people from the rest of the country talk about Bavaria or indeed people from Bavaria talk about the rest of the country.

BlogsEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor Melissa Beattie

For understandable, if not necessarily justified, reasons, the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is often suspected to be or accused of being involved in any and every political conspiracy which involves covert interference with a government (Becker, 2020 on the historical reality of CIA political involvement).[1] In terms of more direct law enforcement operations, the American Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) also tend to be referenced in

CFPCFPs ConferencesEstudios de Medios y ComunicaciónInglés
Autor CSTonline

Dementia Futures Call for Papers 22-24 January 2025  Martin Harris Centre, University of Manchester    Conference organisers: MaoHui Deng, Sarah Fox, Kate Maguire-Rosier, and Réka Polonyi Cultural narratives and research around dementia are not usually focused on ideas of a future with dementia.