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DataCite Blog - DataCite

DataCite Blog - DataCite
Connecting Research, Advancing Knowledge
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Informática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

I’m glad to report that at the tail-end (hopefully, but probably a long tail just like the reuse of research data) of the dark tunnel that’s the COVID pandemic, there’s a new beginning for me – I’m excited to join DataCite as the Implementing FAIR Workflows Project Lead (remember this ?). For the next 3 years, I will be engaged in the daily work of the project working with the core team which consists of project director Helena Cousijn and

MetadataInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Lai Yung Yin Kelvin

Hello! This is Kelvin, I interned with DataCite remotely in Hong Kong this summer. After this internship, I will continue the last year of my Bachelor of Computer Engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. My specialization is in Data Science. Yet this is my first trial of working with metadata, and it is a lot more interesting than I thought it would be — in the best way possible. It is really enjoyable to work here.

Informática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Matt Buys

As a global community organization, our values and collective efforts are paramount to our success. It is as important to reflect on our strategic direction and continue to define our collective priorities as a community. Strategic Visioning Exploration, Engagement and Elevation Earlier this year we launched our Strategic Visioning process.

Informática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

After six years as DataCite Technical Director, I am both sad and excited to announce that I will be leaving DataCite, beginning a new adventure as an independent developer for the invenioRDM project on August 1st. My focus will remain on research data management, but with a different angle. A lot has changed since 2015 at DataCite in general, and the DataCite technical architecture in particular.

AWSDockerGraphQLReactInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

DataCite is a DOI registration agency that enables the registration of scholarly content with a persistent identifier (DOI) and metadata. This content can then be searched for, reused, and connected to other scholarly resources. But how does the underlying infrastructure enable this? In this blog post, we will describe what we have built to make this work. This is a fairly technical post, as I tried to go a little deeper into the details.

DOIIGSNServicesInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autores Matt Buys, Kerstin Lehnert

DataCite and IGSN are pleased to announce their roadmap towards a partnership that intends to support the global adoption, implementation, and use of physical sample identifiers.  This collaboration is aligned with our respective missions and brings together the strengths of each organization for the benefit of the research community.

CodemetaFORCE11SoftwareInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

Metadata that describes scientific software in standard ways – in particular citation metadata such as title, authors, publication year, and venue – is essential for proper software citation implementation. The metadata should be generated by the software author, stored in the code repository, included in submissions to journals, and archived with the source code in a software archive.

Informática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

Are you interested in helping build discovery services for scholarly content? We are looking for an application developer to join our DataCite team, bringing a mix of skills that complement the existing team capacity. The ideal candidate has experience writing open source software and a basic understanding of scholarly communication infrastructure. DataCite has a fully remote team with staff in several European countries and the United States.

MetadataDMPRDAUC3Informática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

Despite the challenges over the last year, we are pleased to share some exciting news about launching the brave new PID, DMP IDs. Two years ago we set out a plan in collaboration with the University of California Curation Center and the DMPTool to bring DMP IDs to life.

MetadataInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autores Madeleine de Smaele, Isabel Bernal

Many things have happened since the DataCite Metadata Working Group last released a new version of its schema in the summer of 2019. Indeed, amongst a long list of transformations brought about by the ongoing global pandemic, the paramount importance of accessing research data has been made clear to all as a requirement to accelerate trustworthy and evidenced-based science.