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Economics from the Top Down

Economics from the Top Down
New ideas in economics and the social sciences
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Open ScienceResearch StoriesBookdownCapital As PowerEconomía y EmpresaInglés
Autor Blair Fix

Exciting news! Capital as Power — the seminal text written by Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler — is now available for free as both an epub and online book. Full disclosure: the typesetter was yours truly. What’s Capital as Power ? And why did I make a free ebook version? Read on to find out. You must unlearn what you have learned 1 I don’t talk much on this blog about my personal journey.

EnergyHuman WelfareLife ExpectancyResidual AnalysisThe Good LifeEconomía y EmpresaInglés
Autor Blair Fix

Here are 10 countries that are beating the energy-life expectancy trend and 10 countries that are falling behind.

HierarchyMoneyDebtGovernment SpendingMMTEconomía y EmpresaInglés
Autor Blair Fix

I’ve always been baffled why ‘modern monetary theory’ is called a theory . I don’t mean this in a disparaging way. As far as theories of money go, I think modern monetary theory (MMT for short) is the correct one. But having a correct theory of money is a bit like having a correct theory of traffic lights. Traffic lights (like money) are a social convention.