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Europe PMC News Blog

Europe PMC News Blog
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CommunityDryadExternal Links ServiceOpen AccessRepositoryCiencias de la SaludInglés
Autor Europe PMC Team

[Our External Links Service means that we]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”}[ link out to free resources that enrich our articles.]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”} [ ]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”} [We started with links out to data (at Dryad), to full text articles not otherwise available from Europe

AnnotationChEBIOpen DataPDBSearchCiencias de la SaludInglés
Autor Europe PMC Team

[Europe PMC has added protein and chemical structures from Protein Data Bank (PDB) and ChEBI via the BioEntities tab.]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”} [ ]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”} [There are some amazing examples in this paper, which was a collaboration between scientists in America, the Netherlands and UK:]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" ,

Ciencias de la SaludInglés
Autor Europe PMC Team

In 2012 the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research made funding available to help launch brand new open access journals in the humanities and social sciences (HSS), or to convert existing journals from the traditional subscription model to open access. Media owners in Austria were invited to submit expressions of interest.

SearchCiencias de la SaludInglés
Autor Europe PMC Team

[With our newly released feature, you can decide to search just the methods section, just the results section, just the acknowledgements section, or a combination of 16 article section categories that have been identified in full text articles in Europe PMC.]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”} []{style=“font-family: "arial";”} [Perhaps you’ve contributed to a paper by providing reagents, or technical

Europe PMC Funders' GroupManuscript SubmissionOpen AccessCiencias de la SaludInglés
Autor Europe PMC Team

[Europe PMC plus provides manuscript submission and grant reporting services for authors who are funded by Europe PMC funding organisations.]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”}[]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”} []{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”}[]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" ,

SearchCiencias de la SaludInglés
Autor Europe PMC Team

[With our new advanced search functionality, you can now do more, more easily.]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”} []{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”} [You can access the advanced search page ]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”}[here]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" ,

Access To UnderstandingCiencias de la SaludInglés
Autor Europe PMC Team

[by Emma Pewsey]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”} [Winner, Access to Understanding 2013]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”} [This post is particularly aimed at those of you who are thinking about entering the Access to Understanding competition who have never entered a science writing competition before.

APIORCIDSearchCiencias de la SaludInglés
Autor Europe PMC Team

[Following the development of the ORCID-based Article Claiming Tool (see this blog post), Europe PMC has now integrated ORCIDs into its website, search systems, and web services.

Access To UnderstandingCiencias de la SaludInglés
Autor Europe PMC Team

[ Access to Understanding is a prestigious, international science-writing competition aimed at PhD students and early career post-doctoral researchers, developed by Europe PubMed Central and The British Library.]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”} [[]{style=“font-family: "helvetica neue" , "arial" , "helvetica" , sans-serif;”}]{style=“font-family: "arial narrow" , "sans-serif";”} [[The winner

Access To UnderstandingOsteoporosisCiencias de la SaludInglés
Autor Europe PMC Team

[by Emma Pewsey (University of Cambridge, UK)]{style=“font-family: "arial";”} [Winner of Access to Understanding 2013]{style=“font-family: "arial";”} [X-rays can now be used not only to show where bones have fractured, but also to investigate why these bones break in the first place.