Lenguas y LiteraturaInglésJekyll

Martin Paul Eve

Martin Paul Eve
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Lenguas y LiteraturaInglés

I spent some time this morning trying to work out why my CPU - the beastly Intel i9 7980XE - was capped at 2.6ghz when the BIOS allows scaling to 4.3ghz. When I ran the usually suggested cpufreq and cpupower commands, I received: "no or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU". The reason for this was that you need, in the UEFI/BIOS, to enable: Intel Enhanced SpeedStep and the option to expose pstates.

Lenguas y LiteraturaInglés

Even as worldwide militaries develop autonomous killer robots, when we think of the ethics of AI, we often turn to the Asimov principles: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Lenguas y LiteraturaInglés

HEFCE, the precursor to Research England, [announced in 2016](http://www.hefce.ac.uk/media/HEFCE,2014/Content/Pubs/2016/201636/HEFCE2016_36.pdf) that “we intend to move towards an open-access requirement for monographs in the exercise that follows the next REF (expected in the mid-2020s).” This was published in 2016 as, “[g]iven the length of time required to produce and publish monographs,” HEFCE wished “to give due notice to the sector” by

Lenguas y LiteraturaInglés

Some open-access advocates argue that transparency and accountability are key for open access (meaning: the removal of price and permission barriers to reading academic research). Indeed, this is one of the many points when the discourses of neoliberal* governmentality intersect with open academic publication.

Lenguas y LiteraturaInglés

A few years ago I wrote an article: Eve, Martin Paul, [‘Thomas Pynchon, David Foster Wallace and the Problems of “Metamodernism”: Post-Millennial Post-Postmodernism?’](https://eprints.bbk.ac.uk/12246/), C21 Literature: Journal of 21st-Century Writings , 1 (2012), 7–25. It was the first thing I wrote outside of my Ph.D. and I am not sure that the literary analysis is that good. I wouldn't read the second half of it if I were you.

Lenguas y LiteraturaInglés

In the past few days I have spoken with many colleagues with differing views on the offer from UUK. Like many other colleagues, I have been on strike to halt the conversion of the defined benefit pension of the Universities Superannuation Scheme to a market-performance-based defined contribution system. It has been heartening to see so many colleagues involved in industrial action and to see that labour has power in such disputes.

Lenguas y LiteraturaInglés

In the past few days, well [over a year since HEFCE signalled](http://www.hefce.ac.uk/media/HEFCE,2014/Content/Pubs/2016/201636/HEFCE2016_36.pdf) its "inten[tion] to move towards an open-access requirement for monographs in the exercise that follows the next REF (expected in the mid-2020s)", humanities academics have been getting themselves stirred up on the basis of a document issued by the [Royal Historical

Lenguas y LiteraturaInglés

I have a Keith McMillen K-Mix audio device that I use for music-making. I noticed, though, that if you have a simple stereo setup on this, with, say, monitors plugged into outputs 1 and 2 (the master outs) then you basically lose a huge amount of bass response on Linux. I confirmed this trying it on Windows and Linux and, in Linux, the bass is totally missing. In fact, the sound is weak.

Lenguas y LiteraturaInglés

A lot of the social media posts that I've seen recently about the UCU's call for "Action Short of a Strike" (ASOS) are fixated on the idea that everyone's contract stipulates that they will work from 9 in the morning until 5 (or 6) in the afternoon and that one should not work outside these hours. One should not send email, either, apparently outside these hours.