The year 2019 has not been kind to the Open Content community, particularly for those wanting to use CC0-/public domain-licensed images for remixing in presentations, websites, etc.
The year 2019 has not been kind to the Open Content community, particularly for those wanting to use CC0-/public domain-licensed images for remixing in presentations, websites, etc.
Updated for Open Access Week 2021. H5P timeline “Open Source, Open Access & Open Scholarship” by Tobias Steiner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This timeline has first been developed as a supporting document to our collaborative paper (featured on page 6): > Tennant, Jonathan, Ritwik Agarwal, Ksenija Baždarić, David Brassard, Tom Crick, Daniel J. Dunleavy, Thomas R. Evans, et al. 2020.
Versionshistorie Beachte, dass Versionen dieses Dokuments auch in anderen Sprachen wie Spanisch, Indonesisch und natürlich im englischen Original existieren.
Open Scholarship (my preferred definition) Open Scholarship as a paradigm consists of three dimensions: Open output , comprising specific content / products from the fields of open publishing, open data, open source, open education, open access, and similar open movements.