In 2024, three of the 24 newly elected Australian Academy of Science fellows are from the Earth Sciences.
In 2024, three of the 24 newly elected Australian Academy of Science fellows are from the Earth Sciences.
Inter-source correlograms yield coherent signals upon careful consideration of source mechanisms and source-receiver geometry, affording new means of characterizing planetary interiors.
Proposed mechanisms for Cenozoic landscape evolution in southwestern North America (SWNA) include crustal isostasy, dynamic topography, or lithosphere tectonics, but their relative contributions remain controversial.
2022 was an exciting year for deep Earth and planetary sciences communities.
Professor Will Featherstone passed away on 13 May 2022 in Perth after a brief illness. He was 54 at the time he died but he had behind him a thirty year research and teaching track record and over twenty years as full Professor in Geodesy.
Distributed acoustic sensing, or DAS, is a newly developed passive seismic technology that can transform telecommunication fibre-optic cable into linear arrays of ground motion sensors.
I plunged headfirst into a commitment to post a picture from my research once a day for 100 days, beginning on the first day of semester two, 2021.
Last week's Woods Point earthquake in Victoria was a quite a surprise for most Australians outside the geophysical community and even among Earth scientists, an event of this magnitude was unexpected.
On the morning of September 22, a magnitude-5.9 earthquake struck approximately 130 km northeast of Melbourne. Seismic waves were felt in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Adelaide, and as far south as Tasmania.
How we built a simple dashboard using Github actions with open source software and openly available (FAIR) data.
Hands-on experiments explore the details of thermochemical convection. Build your own Lava Lamp and learn why the continents don't get sucked down into the deep Earth.