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Geo★ Down Under

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SeismologyNewsCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autores Voon Hui Lai, Caroline Eakin, Chengxin Jiang, Meghan S. Miller

The Australian Air Force flew 100 years of aircraft through the centre of Canberra on March 31st and we recorded their seismic signal from the Parliament House Basement

GeodynamicsGeophysicsCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autores Brian Kennett, Rhodri Davies

Eastern Australia hosts a wide range of volcanic edifices, ranging from localised outcrops to lava fields and central volcanoes (Figure 1). In general, the older volcanics are in the north with distinct tracks of decreasing age to the south (see Figure 1 and, e.g., Davies et al., 2015). Similar age profiles are seen for two lines of seamounts through the Tasman Sea (e.g., Seton et al., 2019). This pattern of age progression reflects the rapid

TectonicsPlanetary ScienceGeophysicsSoftwareCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autor Dietmar Muller

We have developed a novel data-driven approach to reconstruct precipitation patterns through geological time, since the supercontinent Pangea was in existence. Our approach involves linking climate-sensitive sedimentary deposits such as coal, evaporites and glacial deposits to a global plate model, reconstructed paleo-elevation maps and high-resolution General Circulation Models via Bayesian machine learning.

GeodynamicsPublicationsGeophysicsTectonicsCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autor fabio capitanio

Continents host the oldest building blocks of the Earth's surface and keep a record of the processes that shaped it. A careful reading and high-performance computational modelling of the early, hotter Earth reveal a coming of age story.

GeodynamicsSeismologyCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autor Haibin Yang

People naturally focus on big news and Geo-scientists also pay more attentions to big earthquakes happening in plate boundaries rather than the 'boring' small earthquakes in stable continents. Does this mean the intraplate earthquakes are negligible in scientific research?

OpinionEditorialCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autores Louis Moresi, Tim Rawling

Research in the Earth Science faces an extremely uncertain future in Australian Universities. The financial shock of 2020 has turned into an existential crisis for Earth Science departments across the country.