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Geo★ Down Under

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PublicationsGeophysicsCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autores Louis Moresi, Ben Mather

Modelling temperature in the Earth’s crust is accomplished by populating a geological model with thermal properties, such as thermal conductivity and rates of heat production, and solving a numerical model of thermal diffusion with assigned boundary conditions.

SoftwareGeophysicsPublicationsCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autor Ben Mather

Geodynamicists from Sydney and Australian National universities have developed Stripy, a software module that allows scientists to efficiently place GIS ‘wrapping paper’ around the spherical Earth ‘present’.

PublicationsSeismologyGeophysicsCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autores Louis Moresi, Meghan S. Miller

Making your research reproducible means that you provide the entire workflow from data, through software and post-processing freely available. Not only can somebody repeat your experiments and verify them, they can build upon them. In lab-based disciplines, there are many further challenges, but in research that is predominantly based on data processing, this ought to be an achievable goal.

Ciencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autor Louis Moresi

Zenodo is a repository for immutable versions of software that are provided with a persistent DOI for the purposes of citation and reproducibility. Underworld can be cited via a zenodo DOI.

PublicationsGeophysicsGeodynamicsCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autores Adam Beall, Louis Moresi

Cratons are anomalously-strong regions of the continents that have largely resisted tectonic forces for billions of years. How such strong zones could be forged in a hot, low-viscosity, low stress, early-Earth has been a long-standing puzzle for geologists. Adam Beall, Katie Cooper and Louis Moresi have recently proposed that cratons were made by the catastrophic switching on of plate tectonics.

PublicationsGeodynamicsCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autores Adam Beall, Louis Moresi, Tim Stern

Modelling the relative time-scales of the Rayleigh-Taylor Instability and delamination, using Underworld Why model sub-continental gravitational instabilities? Within the plate tectonics framework, continents are generally considered to have a much lower density than the asthenosphere below and therefore avoid the kind of recycling that the oceanic crust and lithosphere undergoes.

PublicationsGeophysicsCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Autor Louis Moresi

In a recent paper [1], we used Underworld models to examine subduction congestion associated with the ingestion of a continental ribbon. The SE Australian geological record turned out to be a wonderful place to study this process. Here is a short summary of the work for a relatively non-technical audience that we put together and some additional figures which I prepared.