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Autor Blog team

Halloween 2019. A team of seven at CWTS is hectically working on the launch of the institute’s new science blog. Getting the last settings in WordPress right, preparing a quick announcement, entering the first posts (so that things don’t look too empty) – we (the editorial team) were rather excited. 53 blog posts later, it is time to reflect a bit. Admittedly, we started out rather open-mindedly.

Ciencias SocialesInglés
Autores Juan Pablo Bascur Cifuentes, Rodrigo Costas

Why should you care? How do you evaluate a university? This question does not have an easy answer. However, there is an attribute that is typically considered relevant: the production of scientific papers. However, papers are not created by the university per se , they are created by individuals who are affiliated to a university. Currently, how individuals contribute to the scientific output of a university (e.

Ciencias SocialesInglés
Autor Ludo Waltman

Over the past two decades, the open access movement has made significant progress in promoting the free accessibility and reusability of scholarly publications. About half of the publications from recent years are free to access and reuse. However, are accessibility and reusability sufficient for a well-functioning system of scholarly publishing?

Ciencias SocialesInglés

Barry Bozeman’s new article on ‘Public Value Science’ raises one of the most fundamental questions in science policy: Who benefits from science? His answer is clear: right now the benefits tend to go to the rich while the ­negative impacts, such as unemployment or pollution, differentially affect the poor.

Ciencias SocialesInglés
Autor Jennifer D'Souza

Search has long been revolutionized by knowledge-graph-powered services such as the Amazon Marketplace in e-commerce, or Open Street Maps in the cartography and navigation services domains, to name just two examples. Inspired by such knowledge graph (KG) success stories in the general domain, such technology is now being realized over scholarly knowledge as well.

Ciencias SocialesInglés
Autores Vít Macháček, Márcia R. Ferreira, Nicolás Robinson-García, Martin Srholec, Rodrigo Costas

In recent years, bibliometric databases have substantially improved the consistency and quality of the metadata extracted from publications, particularly the author-affiliations linkages from scientific publications. Furthermore, author-name disambiguation algorithms have been implemented for most large bibliometric databases, such as Web of Science, Scopus, and Dimensions.

Ciencias SocialesInglés
Autores Willem Halffman, Serge Horbach, Jessica Polka, Tony Ross-Hellauer, Ludo Waltman

In most research fields, journals play a dominant role in the scholarly communication system. However, the availability of systematic information on the policies and practices of journals, for instance with respect to peer review and open access publishing, is surprisingly limited and scattered.

Ciencias SocialesInglés
Autores Tjitske Holtrop, Laurens Hessels, Ad Prins

Since 2017 we have been developing a new approach to research evaluation, which we call Evaluative Inquiry (EI). In a series of blog posts, we discuss the four principles of EI, based on our experiences in projects with the Protestant Theological University and with the University for Humanistics.

Ciencias SocialesInglés

The shift in R&D goals towards the SDGs is driving demand for new S&T indicators… The shift in Science & Technology policy from a focus on research quality (or ‘excellence’) towards societal impact has led to a demand for new Science & Technology indicators that capture the contributions of research to society, in particular those aligned with SDGs.

Ciencias SocialesInglés
Autor Juan Pablo Bascur Cifuentes

I would like to tell you about a book that changed my life, but I don’t want to spoil it yet by revealing the title. You see, since I was young, I had always anguished about career choices. I imagined that I would be forced to put hours into something I hate, and I would arrive home after work hating myself too.