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Liberate Science

Liberate Science
Supporting research as a common good.
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ResearchEqualsCiencias SocialesInglés

With our publishing platform we are introducing a new business model for open access: Pay to close. We love open access - it is a massive part of why we even started building ResearchEquals. We also hear the scholarly community's issues with the business models of open access. As the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science summarizes: This inequity needs addressing.

SustainabilityCiencias SocialesInglés

This is a joint publication by Cathleen Berger (Climatiq), Chris Hartgerink (Liberate Science), Indré Blauzdžiūnaitė (Trafi), Vineeta Greenwood (Wholegrain Digital). Cross-published in Branch Magazine. We all know that climate action is urgent. We also know that the private sector is responsible for the lion’s share of global greenhouse gas emissions.

ResearchEqualsCiencias SocialesInglés

This is a call for fellowship applications. Apply here. ResearchEquals is a new publishing platform for research modules, developed by Liberate Science. Instead of publishing entire projects as papers, researchers publish their process, sharing the building blocks of research continuously and in chronological order.

HypergraphResearchEqualsCiencias SocialesInglés

I am excited to announce that our publishing platform for research modules is going to be named ResearchEquals, launching on (February 1st, 2022). We already announced that we are sunsetting Hypergraph after our initial experimental phase for publishing research modules, from which we learned some important lessons.

DOICiencias SocialesInglés

With the recent announcement that Hypergraph will evolve into a web publishing platform for research modules (with a new name forthcoming), Liberate Science also signed up to become a member of CrossRef. This means we'll start issuing ("minting") Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for research modules in the near future. A clear and long-term strategy for this is valuable, and I want to share that journey openly.

HypergraphCiencias SocialesInglés

Almost a year ago we introduced a way to publish research modules with Hypergraph (Beta). Research modules are a publishing unit where the researcher decides what gets published with links between subsequent modules. These can be complete manuscripts but also datasets with linked code, audio files with linked transcripts, 3D models with linked revisions, or anything else you may produce during your research.

HypergraphCiencias SocialesInglés

We just released Hypergraph (Beta) v0.10.7. An announcement is coming on September 10th that will affect the future release schedule. If you have Hypergraph (Beta) installed, it will auto-install next time you run it. Below, you can find a detailed and human-readable version of what we changed.

SustainabilityEcologicalSubscribe-formCiencias SocialesInglés
Autores Cathleen Berger, Chris Hartgerink

The science is clear: humanity is living beyond the regenerative capabilities of our planetary boundaries. It is easy to forget when building a business, that we are also contributing to the excess. For us to create a sustainable science, we need to create a culture of sustainability thinking across economic, social, and ecological domains.

HypergraphCiencias SocialesInglés

We just released Hypergraph (Beta) v0.10.6 🎉 New releases of Hypergraph will occur on the 28th of every month — we only break that cycle if there are urgent fixes that we need to ship as soon as possible (e.g., for security). If you're interested in understanding how we version our releases, check out Semantic Versioning.

HypergraphCiencias SocialesInglés

We just released Hypergraph (Beta) v0.10.5 🎉 New releases of Hypergraph occur on the 28th of every month — we only break that cycle if there are urgent fixes that we need to ship as soon as possible (e.g., for security). If you're interested in understanding how we version our releases, check out Semantic Versioning.

HypergraphSignupCiencias SocialesInglés

We just released Hypergraph (Beta) v0.10.4. We primarily patched some issues as we work on improving the stability of the application. New releases of Hypergraph occur on the 28th of every month — we only break that cycle if there are urgent fixes that we need to ship as soon as possible (e.g., for security). If you're interested in understanding how we version our releases, check out Semantic Versioning.