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Towards open and FAIR hardware

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Ingeniería y TecnologíaInglés
Autor Julien Colomb

Grenoble: a different way of life ? In France and particularly in Grenoble, one can find a lot of active associations that usually do not have a strong online presence, but are very active locally. These are sport, culture or teaching-directed associations. A good example is the “ptit velo dans la tête” organisation.

Ingeniería y TecnologíaInglés
Autor Open.Make Team

Here, Julien Colomb presents in a very short post the idea of having and attribution reference and a provenance reference for an hardware/software/dataset object. We present 2 objectives of citing data, one workaround for having it all, what is would mean for hardware paper and end with a question about the validity of this ideas. He is hoping that it may open a discussion on this topic.

Ingeniería y TecnologíaInglés
Autor Open.Make Team

Dear Reader, We presented the BUA Mobile Lab project at the Long Night of Science 2024 in Berlin. During this annual event, universities and research institutions showcase scientific demonstrations, lectures, and interactive activities, making science accessible and engaging for all ages.

Ingeniería y TecnologíaAlemán
Autor Open.Make Team

This post is in German, an English summary and alt text to images will be added in the coming weeks. Aknowledgement: I want to thank my son Jeff (10) for corrections of my text. Hallo liebe Besucher*innen, auf diesen Website erklären wir, worum dieses Projekt OpenMake sich handelt und warum wir es betreiben. Auf den homepage können Sie sehen, dass Wir sind aus verschiedenen Unis in Berlin.

Ingeniería y TecnologíaInglés
Autor Open.Make Team

Interview: audiomoth Alex Rogers is a Professor of Computer Science who lead the team that developed the audiomoth, a low-price passve sound recorder used for biodiversity monitoring in the wild. by the Open make team, Alex Rogers.

Ingeniería y TecnologíaInglés
Autor Open.Make Team

Interview: Gorgas Tracker Pierre Padilla Huamantinco is a PhD student at Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering, he led the development of the Gorgas Tracker, a device that was used to track the position of people and investigate the role of human population movement in malaria epidemiology in rural villages in the Peruvian Amazon river networks. by the Open make team, Pierre Padilla Huamantinco.

Ingeniería y TecnologíaInglés
Autor Open.Make Team

Interview: GaudiLabs Urs Gaudenz has been part of hackteria and similar open source hardware communities for a long time. Nine years ago, he started GaudiLabs, a “desktop manufacturing” company that is selling open source hardware produced in small scale. One of these products is the Pocket-PCR machine. by the Open make team, Urs Gaudenz.

Ingeniería y TecnologíaInglés
Autor Open.Make Team

Interview: Smart citizen kit Guillem Camprodon is the Executive Director of Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC, he was mostly involved in the development of the Smart Citizen Kit, which is the central concept around having a minimum set of tools to measure the environment, leading to the development of the smart citizen concept.

Ingeniería y TecnologíaInglés
Autor Open.Make Team

OpenMake II It is a pleasure to announce that the Open.Make project has been funded for another 2.5 years. The work will become more practical and local. We are one of three projects that received a second round of funding by the BUA. While you can download the full application on zenodo: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8220972, here is a very short summary of our plans.