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EducationEngineeringMathematicsScienceTechnologyIngeniería y TecnologíaInglés

Manchester Digital a non-profit trade assocation of around 500 digital businesses in the north west of england. Every year they hold elections at their AGM for members of their council who serve for two years. It’s time for me to stand for re-election because my two years is up. Here’s a vote-for-me pitch in 100 words: Digital skills […]

EngineeringMathematicsPoliticsScienceTechnologyIngeniería y TecnologíaInglés

[ NOTE: This post was written before I deleted my twitter account @dullhunk in 2024, after twitter became a cesspit of misinformation, disinformation and hate now known as  Some of the embedded tweets below might not work as they did in 2015 ] In case you missed it, the people of the United Kingdom have just democratically elected 650 Members of Parliament (MPs) to run their government for the next five years [1,2].

EducationNAPAkram KhanCERNDiane SalterIngeniería y TecnologíaInglés

(This post is part of a series about the New Academics Program (NAP), I’ll be using this blog to scribble notes about the NAP as I work my way through it.) Ask ten different people what effective teaching is and you’ll get ten different answers. Here’s a handy definition (let’s call it the willing definition for now) […]

EducationEngineeringScienceTechnologyAlexander BellIngeniería y TecnologíaInglés

Our homes are full of technology that we typically take for granted and understand little. Your average smartphone or tablet, for example, is a “black box”, that deliberately discourages modification by tinkering and hacking. This Christmas, Danielle George takes three technologies we routinely take for granted – the light bulb, the telephone and the motor – and […]

EducationEngineeringScienceTechnology2014Ingeniería y TecnologíaInglés

It’s that time of year when people look back at over the year that was 2014 (1-5). The place where I work, celebrated it’s 50th anniversary. Colleagues put together a little booklet of facts and figures with an some accompanying web pages to mark the occasion. My personal favourite factoid compares computing in 2014 with 1964.

EducationEngineeringTechnologyAlan TuringCode ClubIngeniería y TecnologíaInglés

Over at democracy corner, Manchester Digital is interviewing all of its elected council members. Somehow, I got volunteered to be first interviewee. Here’s my two pence on one of the questions asked: “What do you think is biggest challenge we face as an industry?” (with some extra links) Firstly, coding and “computational thinking” [1], needs to be understood as something that isn’t […]

Data MiningGoogleologyPaperwarePublishingScienceIngeniería y TecnologíaInglés

Many people claim they get all their best ideas in the pub, but for lots of scientists their best ideas probably come from – the NCBI’s monster database of biomedical literature. Consequently, the database has spawned a whole slew of tools that riff off the PubMed name, with many puns and portmanteaus (aka “PubManteaus”), and the pub-based wordplays are very common. [1,2] […]

EngineeringProgrammingScienceTechnologyAllyson ListerIngeniería y TecnologíaInglés

It’s getting pretty hard to do anything these days that doesn’t involve software. Our governments, businesses, laboratories, personal lives and entertainment would look very different without the software that makes them tick. How can we classify all this software to make sense of it all? The likes of this huge list of software categories on wikipedia are pretty […]

FootballMathematics198219861990Ingeniería y TecnologíaInglés

Are you passionate about your football team? When I say passion I mean passion as in suffering, from the Latin verb patī meaning to suffer. World cups are passionate milestones for many people, they leave indelible marks on the psyche, you remember who you were with, where you were and how your team suffered. Like many England supporters I’ve suffered as the […]

FunnyBbc WeatherBrollyDoublespeakEquivocationIngeniería y TecnologíaInglés

According to the urban myth, the eskimos have hundreds of words for snow. But meteorologists, especially British weather forecasters, have just as many words for rain. Take this typical forecast for example: TODAY: Showers will continue in the north and west, but become more lighter and more isolated as the night progresses. Remaining dry elsewhere with […]

Data MiningEngineeringBig DataGiles FraserJon ButterworthIngeniería y TecnologíaInglés

The Church of Banksy Whatever your religous preferences, the Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr captures a certain wisdom about life in general. So it is good to see that physicist Jon Butterworth at UCL has adapted it [1] for scientists: Amen! References Jon Butterworth (2014) Giles Fraser says scientists are replacing theologians.