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I’d like to invite everyone who will be in Boston for the Fall 2010 ACS Meeting to a symposium on recent progress in chemical structure representation that I’m organizing. The lineup features a mix of academic and industrial scientists, with topics ranging from graphics to file formats/line notations to bioinformatics integration.

Ciencias QuímicasInglés

What role, if any, does a profit-making entity have in a non-profit organization? That’s the question many have been asking for some time about Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) and its relationship to the American Chemical Society (ACS). Too Big to Be Non-Profit? I was again reminded of this question after having finally been granted access to the ACS LinkedIn Group.

Ciencias QuímicasInglés

If you’re a synthetic chemist, you may have seen seen (or run) this reaction before: It’s the oxidative conversion of aromatic diamines and aromatic aldehydes into benzimidazoles. One common way of performing this reaction is in the presence of sodium metabisulfite. The question is: what’s the role of the sodium metabisulfite and what’s the oxidant?

Ciencias QuímicasInglés

Yesterday I got this interesting tidbit posted by Bill Town to the CHMINF-L mailing list: The Topic at Hand For those who may not have seen it, the American Chemical Society (ACS) lost the most recent (and possibly final) round in its ongoing legal conflict with LeadScope. By the ACS’ own accounting, this loss could cost the society $40 Million in penalties, fees, and interest. But this article isn’t about the case;

Ciencias QuímicasInglés

The latest version of the CTFile format specification is now available for download. This version, printed in June 2010, covers both the widely-used V2000 molfile format and the newer V3000 format. The specification references no fewer than six times another document titled Symyx Chemical Representation , which apparently contains important information for implementing molfile readers/writers.

Ciencias QuímicasInglés

Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Sieh dir dieses Video auf an oder aktiviere JavaScript, falls es in deinem Browser deaktiviert sein sollte. Favorite quote: near the end - “For the moment at least, this fellow isn’t worried about being out of a job.” It’s funny how right and wrong that idea was at the same time.

Ciencias QuímicasInglés

Every great website requires two things: great content and people interested in using it. Getting there is remarkably difficult, as the countless millions of failed websites and services can attest to. Chempedia is a public-facing chemical substance registry. In plain English, it offers the ability for anyone to assign a unique identifier and one or more names to a pure organic substance.

Ciencias QuímicasInglés

Chemical inventory is one of those things that few in cheminformatics think about but many in chemistry do. Having worked in research labs in both industry and academia, it seems that chemical inventory, and particularly the software/hardware to manage it, is one of those universal problems in chemistry. What Problem? What problem, you may ask? The problem of finding a sample of a given substance present somewhere in a research lab.