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Autor Scott Chamberlain

What is uv I’ve recently started using uv to manage Python projects and packages: many projects at work and the one active package I have on (habanero). I don’t really know enough about all the various Python tools similar to uv to give an informed opinion. Rather, this is purely reflections on using uv. uv’s tagline is: uv docs and source code. Reflections Fast It’s super fast.

Autor Scott Chamberlain

webmockr v2 is here. You can find the source at, and the docs at There’s some big changes in this version; most importantly a breaking change, thus the major version change this time. Here’s a run down of the important items in this release.

Informática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Scott Chamberlain

While reviewing an R package at work I realized I wasn’t totally sure what advice to give about examples for internal functions in a package. That is, there’s an R package. The package has some exported functions, and some internal functions that are not exported.

Informática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Scott Chamberlain

Since most of my education has taken place above the organism level, and since my current job concerns sub-organism processes, I want to get more familiar with those sub-organism things. So I’m reading and taking notes on my blog about the stuff I’m reading.

Informática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Scott Chamberlain

cowsay is a command line program written in Perl. The original version had a final release in 2016 (that’s the version of many installed cowsay programs) and there’s a number of forks of that release in Perl. There are also many many versions of cowsay in other programming languages, like the one I maintain written in R, unimaginatively called cowsay. I wrote about cowsay here back in 2014.

Informática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Scott Chamberlain

I worked on a refactor of an R package at work the other day. Here’s some notes about that after doing the work. This IS NOT a best practices post - it’s just a collection of thoughts. For context, the package is an API client.

Informática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Scott Chamberlain

This blog is now using Hugo. Important - if you subscribe to the RSS for this blog you likely have to delete/remove the old one and add the new RSS link.

Informática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Scott Chamberlain

I wrote the other day about overcoming an issue with Shiny. Another issue I ran into concurrently was about file inputs. The issue was that file inputs (i.e., shiny::fileInput) was difficult to clear.

RShinyInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Scott Chamberlain

I’ve been working on an inherited Shiny app at work for the past few months. One of the many frustrating things about Shiny lately has been around buttons. Well, it wasn’t really about buttons, but that’s where it started. I noticed that a number of buttons - some having file inputs, some having text inputs - did not trigger every time, and I expected them to trigger every time no matter what.

Informática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Scott Chamberlain

I recently opened an issue in a repository for a package I’m working on to think about potential footguns and how to avoid them. That word “footguns” got me thinking;