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rOpenSci - open tools for open science

rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Tools and R Packages for Open Science
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Software Peer ReviewPackagesLinguisticsPhoneticsSound AnalysisInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor George Moroz

Science craft As a field linguist, I have spent a lot of time working in villages in the Caucasus, collecting audio from speakers of indigenous languages. The processing of such data involves a lot of time-consuming tasks, so during my field trips I created my own pipeline for data collection.

HttpTestingVcrTech NotesInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Scott Chamberlain

A new version of vcr was just released. See the release notes for all the details. I want to highlight a few of the more notable changes.New contributor vcr has a new author: Maëlle Salmon.

NewsletterPhonfieldworkSymbiotaR2AllcontributorsBaseSetInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Stefanie Butland

rOpenSci HQ We’re thrilled to announce three new rOpenSci Software Review Editors: Laura DeCicco, Julia Gustavsen, and Mauro Lepore and we released the fifth version (v0.5) of the rOpenSci Developer Guide. Our Community Call on The Wild World of Data Repositories took place Dec 16 with an audience of 153 people!

DonateThank YouInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Karthik Ram

The rOpenSci project is 100% supported by grants and donations. If you’re giving this season, please consider donating to rOpenSci. Your donations allow us to support internships, contractors, web services, and community events. We foster a culture that values open and reproducible research using shared data and reusable software.

Thank YouCommunityInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autores Stefanie Butland, Steffi LaZerte

In a year where it has been hard to pay attention to anything not critical to our day-to-day lives, you have continued to share your time, expertise, enthusiasm, and willingness to try things with us. Our staff of developers, researchers, and community builders work to create technical and social infrastructure to lower barriers to working with research data, and you, our community, continually help us push farther.

PackagesAPIGhqlGraphqlCommunityInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autores Dennis Irorere, Scott Chamberlain

Introduction Few months ago, I embarked on a full stack spatial data project at work. The project kicked off amazingly, until I was almost backed to the wall when I discovered that some of the data sources were served via a GraphQL API. Before now, I haven’t worked with GraphQL. But, I have heard a lot about it and how amazing it is for querying data.

Software Peer ReviewPackagesCommunityPhylogeneticsBayesianInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek

With this blog post, I show how to use the mcbette R packagein an informal way.A more formal introduction on mcbettecan be found in the Journal of Open Source Science 1 .After introducing a concrete problem, I will show how mcbettecan be used to solve it. After discussing mcbette, I will conclude withwhy I think rOpenSci is important and how enjoyablemy experiences have been so far.The problem Imagine you are a field biologist.

CITravisPackagesTech NotesR-universeInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Jeroen Ooms

At rOpenSci, we encourage R package developers to take advantage of Continuous Integration services to automatically check the package on different platforms, with different versions of R. The rOpenSci dev guide dedicates chapter 2 to the topic of Continuous Integration Best Practices , and recommends a few common CI vendors, including Travis CI. Travis CI has been a pioneer in free public CI services, and made the concept popular in the

LiteratureTextminingFulltextPackagesTech NotesInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Scott Chamberlain

fulltext is a package I maintain for text-mining the scholarly literature (package docs). You can search for articles, fetch article metadata and abstracts, and fetch full text of some articles. Text-mining the scholarly literature is a research tool used across disciplines. Full text of articles (entire article, not just the abstract) is the gold standard in text-mining in most cases.

V8LinuxTech NotesInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Jeroen Ooms

Google’s amazing V8 JavaScript/WASM engine is probably one of the most sophisticated open-source software libraries available today. It is used to power the computation in Google Chrome, NodeJS, and also CloudFlare Workers, which make it possible to run code for your website inside the CDN edges. The R package V8 exposes this same engine in R, and has been on CRAN since 2014.

CommunityPackagesTaxonomyTaxizeEpidemiologyInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Autor Liam Brierley

Emerging viruses might be on everyone’s mind right now, but as an epidemiologist and disease ecologist I’ve always been interested in how and why pathogens move from animal hosts to humans.The current pandemic of the disease we call COVID-19 is caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a virus that has emerged from wildlife like SARS coronavirus and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus