Ciencias NaturalesInglésWordPress

A blog by Ross Mounce

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PalaeontologyCiencias NaturalesInglés

What’s your Norell number? Taking inspiration from the Erdős number game, I thought I’d use ColWiz’s ‘Link Explorer’ function, and my citeulike bibliographic data to explore (in a highly unscientific way!) the authorship connections between people in my reference database of ~2750 papers. Mark A Norell has LOADS of publications.

ConferencesCiencias NaturalesInglés

UPDATE 01/06/11 I’ve now submitted a modified version of this abstract. Many thanks to all who commented. One of the many conferences I’m going to this year is a fairly big event. The abstract deadline also happens to be very soon too. So I thought I’d post a draft of my abstract here and see what peeps think. Is my Latin correctly formed? What do you think?

ConferencesPhdchatTravelCiencias NaturalesInglés

I’ve been travelling rather a LOT in the last 6 weeks or so; Rhossili Bay, London, Edinburgh, Leicester, Barcelona, Cambridge. It’s so nice to be back in Bath for a bit again.

PhylogeneticsCiencias NaturalesInglés

[Back when this blog was first started, it was hosted on (now defunct), and it was called Palaeophylophenomics] 1.) It’s a formerly was a Googlewhackblatt 2.) It’s a Portmantaeu word combining my principle research interests, namely: Palaeontology (UK spelling!), Phylogenetics, and Phenomics sensu O’Leary and Kaufman (2011). 3.) Basically a convenient, informative unique identifier for this new blog. Love it?

Ciencias NaturalesInglés

I need a space to layout my thoughts in a longer form than Twitter or Facebook. So I thought: “hey, why not start a blog?” -> TA-DA! *Posts will be infrequent and sporadic both in tempo and topic Many thanks to for the quick hands-on WordPress tutorial, and Mark Hahnel for suggesting I blog here.