
Reciprocal Space

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Libel ReformScience & PoliticsBiologíaInglés
Autor Stephen Curry

The campaign for libel reform has been grinding away for several years now but there was still a buzz of expectation as we gathered in Committee Room 10 in the House of Commons last Wednesday evening. By 6 pm the room was packed. All seats had been taken and people parked themselves on window sills or stood in expectant clusters at both doors to the room.

Libel ReformScience & PoliticsDefamationDemocracyParliamentBiologíaInglés
Autor Stephen Curry

This week the Guardian made the astonishing revelation that a man who is heir to the throne by an accident of birth and who is the representative on Earth of precisely no-one has been enjoying the right of veto over government legislation. I think this might be a good time to strap on our democratic boots and make our way to Parliament.

Libel ReformScience & PoliticsGoldacreSense About ScienceSinghBiologíaInglés
Autor Stephen Curry

Today sees the publication of a very important report on libel reform. The report is from the Parliamentary Joint Scrutiny Committee, which has been considering the government’s draft defamation bill in the light of oral and written evidence from interested parties. It outlines proposals for refinement of the draft legislation before it passes through Parliament and, hopefully, into law.

CommunicationScience & MediaGuardianJournalismPublishingBiologíaInglés
Autor Stephen Curry

This week I got to visit a part of London that is for me a hallowed place – the offices of The Guardian newspaper. I was participating in a workshop for the people who had been short-listed for the Wellcome Science Writing Prize, which is sponsored by the Guardian , and so made my way to its large glass headquarters behind Kings Cross.

ScienceScience & PoliticsScicareersScienceisvitalBiologíaInglés
Autor Stephen Curry

As Jenny mentioned this morning, I have a post on the Science is Vital campaign on science careers on the Times Eureka blog today. For those of you without a subscription, the text is reproduced here: The business of science is essentially one of creative problem solving.

CommunicationFunProtein CrystallographyScienceHistoryBiologíaInglés
Autor Stephen Curry

This is shameless, shameless self-promotion but I was interviewed back in May by Carl Carruthers for his Meet a Scientist Monday podcast, which has gone live today. The interview was long enough ago for me — being of advanced years — to have forgotten what I’d said, so I’ve just had a listen.

CommunicationScientific LifeNewspapersBiologíaInglés
Autor Stephen Curry

Last night, having rounded off a busy week with a day of manual labour helping to repair my mother-in-law’s kitchen floor, I retired to bed early with the newspaper. Saturday’s Guardian , if you want to know. It was delightful. I hadn’t taken the time to read the paper for ages and was pleased to rediscover that singular pleasure. Unfortunately, it’s a pleasure that is unlikely to endure.

CommunicationFunScienceScience & MediaScientific LifeBiologíaInglés
Autor Stephen Curry

Today sees the release of my new film: I’m a Scientist . It’s about scientists. Please take a look either here, or on the web-site that I have created specially for it*. The film was a long time coming.

CommunicationFunScientific LifeScience CommunicationVideoBiologíaInglés
Autor Stephen Curry

Today sees the release of the new trailer of my latest and most ambitious film project. In doing so I am following the sound advice of Richard Hamming and forcing my own hand. With the trailer now on public view, I will definitely have to finish the film. The video started life in the midst of bloody battle — when I was a participant in the online competition I’m a scientist, Get me out of here back in June last year.

History Of ScienceScience & PoliticsScientific LifeBook ReviewMichael BrooksBiologíaInglés
Autor Stephen Curry

Michael Brooks has scratched beneath the glossy surface of science to write a revealing and thoroughly entertaining book about its practitioners. By cutting so close to the scientific bone that it spills blood, his “Free Radicals” departs violently from the textbook image of white-coated professionalism. In eight gritty and gripping chapters Brooks uncovers the anarchy at the heart of many of the most famous advances made by scientists.