Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Academic MisconductAIDataFraudIncentivesCiencias SocialesInglés
Publicado in Rene Bekkers
Autor Rene Bekkers

What could meta research learn from criminology for the prevention of research integrity violations? What insights does criminology provide in causes and prevention of research integrity violations? In a seminar (slides here) at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR), I discussed with researchers in criminology how theories and findings from the field may be applied in the field of meta research.

RCommunityMaintenanceContributionsEventsInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Publicado in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autores Steffi LaZerte, Yanina Bellini Saibene, Yi-Chin Sunny Tseng, Pascal Burkhard, Yaoxiang Li, Hugo Gruson

This week we had a wonderful community call, From Novice to Contributor: Making and Supporting First-Time Contributions to FOSS, where Sunny Tseng, Pascal Burkhard, and Yaoxiang Li shared with us their experiences with, and advice for, first time contributors, with the excellent moderation of Hugo Gruson.This was a perfect start to our special series of activities to support first time contributors to Open Source Software.

Cleveland Museum Of Natural HistoryGoofyHaplocanthosaurusMountsCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Hatcher (1903a) gave a very brief description — two pages and no illustrations — of the new sauropod Haplocanthus , basing it and its type species H . priscus on the adult specimen CM 572.

MetadataProductInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Publicado in DataCite Blog - DataCite
Autor Kelly Stathis,Cody RossandMike Bennett

The DataCite Metadata Store is a rich source of information and insights about research outputs, resources, and activities. Discovery systems and services worldwide rely on this metadata to build and enhance their platforms and workflows, forming critical pieces of scholarly infrastructure.

Galaxy EvolutionGalaxy FormationJWSTLCDMPhilosophy Of ScienceFísicaInglés
Publicado in Triton Station

As discussed in recent posts, the appearance of massive galaxies in the early universe was predicted a priori by MOND (Sanders 1998, Sanders 2008, Eappen et al. 2022). This is problematic for LCDM. How problematic? That’s always the rub. The problem that JWST observations pose for LCDM is that there is a population of galaxies in the high redshift universe that appear to evolve as giant monoliths rather than assembling hierarchically.

Publicado in Simply Ecologist
Autor Erzsebet Frey

Chimpanzees: Bonding Through Group Urination Chimpanzees, our closest primate relatives, have always fascinated researchers and animal enthusiasts alike with their complex social behaviors. One of the more peculiar behaviors witnessed among these intelligent creatures is group urination, a seemingly simple act that carries significant social weight.

AcademiaWritingLenguas y LiteraturaInglés
Publicado in The Ideophone
Autor Mark Dingemanse

Academics often feature a few selected papers on their home page. Typically these represent big projects or work published in prominent venues. What I’d like to see more of is “niche papers”: work to be proud of even if it has managed to remain a bit obscure. What are your niche papers?

Publicado in BIOgarabatos

He iniciado una colección de la bibliografía para el curso de Introducción de la biología comparada de la licenciatura de Biología del nuevo plan de estudios de la Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM aprobado en el 2024. Esta colección tiene cómo propósito gestionar la literatura en una colección digital, abierta, interoperable que permita integrar todas las fuentes, generar bibliografías y producir citas y referencias.