Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Large Language ModelRetrieval Augmented GenerationOtras Ciencias SocialesInglés
Publicado in Aaron Tay's Musings about librarianship
Autor Aaron Tay

I recently gave a 1 hour talk to the Chinese American Librarians Association(CALA) Asia Pacific Chapter on my favourite topic - How "AI" is changing academic searchI have being giving many versions of this talk both internally in my institution (to librarians) and externally for almost two years and it has always been very tricky to do well.This is because I believe for librarians to really appreciate and engage with all the changes that what

Publicado in Irish Plants
Autor Jake Dalzell

Last year was a big one for me, where my life changed in two major ways. One is that I started seriously studying plant pathogens, which I have found I have a deep passion for and know I want to study for the forseeable future. The other is that I graduated from university. I have made some exciting finds this year.

Ciencias QuímicasInglés
Publicado in Jeremy Monat, PhD

Exploring other cheminformatics toolkits besides the RDKit, I wanted to try EPAM Indigo Toolkit. The Indigo Toolkit is free and open-source with Apache License 2.0, so it can be used in proprietary software. I was unable to find simple examples of drawing molecules in a Python Jupyter Notebook, so here’s how to do that. This post also demonstrates how to save molecular images to a file.

Filosofía, Ética y Ciencias de la ReligiónInglés
Publicado in FreakTakes
Autor Eric Gilliam

I’ve always viewed FreakTakes as a small applied research shop. Discontented geniuses set out to run new science orgs or ambitious scientific philanthropies; I produce pieces that help some of them make decisions that determine parts of how to structure their orgs. I can’t do what they do — I wish I could. They do not have the time to look into the minutiae of the R&D operations from history that inspire their work.

Publicado in Paired Ends
Autor Stephen Turner

I'm still catching up on papers from my late 2024 backlog. This week’s recap highlights autonomous microbial sensors for detecting TNT in soil, genome size estimation from long reads, STABIX for indexing and compressing GWAS summary statistics, and Clair3-RNA for deep learning-based small variant calling on long-read RNA-seq data.

Science FictionBiotechnologyOtras ciencias técnicasInglés
Publicado in The Connected Ideas Project
Autor Alexander Titus

Hi my friends, I’m going to be exploring sci-fi short stories more regularly on Fridays. This may be less consistent than my regular Tuesday editions, but we’ll see how it evolves. This is an experiment, motivated by positive feedback I received about The Printing Press.

Lab LifeResearchInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

On December 6th, 2024, we hosted the first workshop of our project Infra Wiss Blogs (Ochsner and Pampel 2024), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The aim of the workshop was to bring together scholarly bloggers and experts from information infrastructure institutions, so they could exchange experiences, wishes and challenges concerning scholarly blogs.

Publicado in BIOgarabatos

He reunido una colección bibliográfica denominada BIOhistoria, contiene literatura académica como libros, capítulos, artículos  e incluso preprints útiles para los cursos de Filosofía e Historia de la Biología del plan de estudios de la carrera de Biología de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM 1997. También resulta útil para enseñar o investigar sobre los contenidos de las materias Introducción a las teorías evolutivas e

Publicado in GigaBlog

This week we published a new, high-quality genome sequence of one of Australia’s most iconic animals, the short beaked echidna. The almost gapless genome sequence of this egg-laying mammal helps researchers to track genomic reshuffling events that gave rise to a perplexing  sex determination system. At first glance they may be mistaken for a weird-looking hedgehog.