Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

Global Access FundGlobal Access ProgramMembersInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Publicado in DataCite Blog - DataCite
Autor Gabriela Mejias,Helena CousijnandMohamad Mostafa

In 2023, we launched the DataCite Global Access Fund (GAF), supported by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, to help organizations worldwide make their research outputs discoverable and connect to global open infrastructure. Today, we are excited to announce the second cohort of organizations and projects receiving GAF funding!

CaudalDiplodocidsNavel BloggingPneumaticityTornieriaCiencias de la Tierra y Ciencias Ambientales relacionadasInglés
Publicado in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Quick backstory: this post at Adam Mastroianni’s Experimental History led me to this post at Nothing Human, and poking around there led me to another good’un: “Shallow feedback hollows you out”. That post really hit for me, and it made me think about SV-POW!

Publicado in Simply Ecologist
Autor Erzsebet Frey

In a groundbreaking study, researchers have successfully tracked a massive animal species in the Peruvian Andes, providing critical insights that are set to transform our understanding of the region’s ecosystem. This remarkable achievement highlights the enormous potential of using advanced tracking technologies to monitor and conserve biodiversity in remote areas.

EntradasAcéfaloAdéspotaAnepígrafoAnónimoLenguas y LiteraturaPortugués
Publicado in Lucidarios

acéfalo (adj. m.) [lat. acephălus, del gr. aképhalos, sin cabeza]. 1. Dicho de un manuscrito o impreso que ha perdido los folios iniciales (→ mútilo). | 2. Dicho de un texto que ha perdido la primera parte. (fr. acéphale, ingl. acephalous, it. acefalo, port. acéfalo) adéspota (adj. n.) [gr. adéspota, sin dueño o...

Publicado in Paired Ends
Autor Stephen Turner

Something a little different for this week’s recap. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the practice of data science education in this era of widely available (and really good!) LLMs for code. Commentary at the top based on my own data science teaching experience, with a deep dive into a few recent papers below.

Thought PiecesHumanidadesInglés

Bibliographic databases should support innovation and experimentation. Here, we offer four criteria for innovation-friendly bibliographic databases. We urge the global research community to use databases that support and do not hinder innovation in scholarly communication and research assessment.

Galaxy EvolutionGalaxy FormationLCDMMONDFísicaInglés
Publicado in Triton Station

Continuing our discussion of galaxy formation and evolution in the age of JWST, we saw previously that there appears to be a population of galaxies that grew rapidly in the early universe, attaining stellar masses like those expected in a traditional monolithic model for a giant elliptical galaxy rather than a conventional hierarchical model that builds up gradually through many mergers.