Sciences de la santéWordPress


Academic blog of Paquito Bernard (PhD)
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Activité Physique/Physical ActivityChangement Climatique/Climate ChangeSanté/HealthActive TransportAir PollutionSciences de la santéAnglais
Auteur Bernard Paquito

A systematic review examined the health benefits associated with car free events and health outcomes (e.g., air pollution, physical activity, noise) (1). Among 23 included papers, one collected device-measured physical activity data (2), two estimated the physical activity levels of population with surveys (3,4). Ciclovia is a weekly event created in Bogota, Colombia.

Activité Physique/Physical ActivityMéthode/MethodPsychologie/PsychologyAccelerometerBehavioural Change TechniqueSciences de la santéAnglais
Auteur Bernard Paquito

We recently shared a preprint presenting a very original investigation. During my Phd, I developed an interest for the Transtheoretical model to promote physical activity. If this model was over-studied in US or UK, the French sport psychology academic community did not explore it. We (with @aj_romain) performed a cross-cultural validation of Processes of change questionnaire.

Activité Physique/Physical ActivityChangement Climatique/Climate ChangeGaz À Effet De SerreGreenwashingJeux OlympiquesSciences de la santé
Auteur Bernard Paquito

Un article que j’ai publié sur La Conversation, je l’agrémente d’une courte présentation sur ce sujet et d’un podcast du Greenletter Club sur la question des stations de ski (Excellent !) Y aura-t-il encore des Jeux olympiques d’hiver en 2046 ou en 2080 ? Les Jeux d’hiver, qui démarrent le 4 février à Pékin, font l’objet de nombreuses critiques environnementales.

Changement Climatique/Climate ChangeElectric ConsumptionGermanyRebound EffectSystemSciences de la santéAnglais
Auteur Bernard Paquito

An excellent article describing the interdisciplinary approach of rebound effects in German solar photovoltaic user households (prosumer) has been recently published (Galvin et al. 2022). Authors highlight the most important steps of their interdisciplinary process: an engagement to dialogue between various background researchers, to design “from the beginning” an interdisciplinary method and findings analysis strategies, to identify the

Changement Climatique/Climate ChangeSanté/HealthAir PollutionGender GapHealthSciences de la santéAnglais
Auteur Bernard Paquito

In climate change perspectives, three inequalities have been well-documented: inequalities between (1) and within countries (2), and inequalities between generations (3). However, the gendered inequalities are and will be exacerbated by climate change consequences (4). An open-access chapter presents the most important issues of this question (4). Authors add a health perspective combined with climate change gendered inequalities.

Changement Climatique/Climate ChangeSciences de la santéAnglais
Auteur Bernard Paquito

What is the related travel annual carbon footprint of German Football Bundesliga fans ? Two German researchers collected the following self-reported data about age, sex, level of education, income, environmental values, club membership, favorite team and travel behavior in relation home and away matches (for 2018/19 season) via an online questionnaire (1). They included 539 fans and >50% of respondents were a member of their

Activité Physique/Physical ActivityChangement Climatique/Climate ChangeSanté/HealthSciences de la santéAnglais
Auteur Bernard Paquito

I write this blog article during an important forest fire in British Columbia (Canada), occurring during an extreme heat wave in the same geographical area.

Changement Climatique/Climate ChangeBiodiversityClimateCourseTransdisciplinarySciences de la santéAnglais
Auteur Bernard Paquito

I share my text published in University Affairs. When I tell my colleagues that I’m trying to examine the links between physical activity, sports and climate change, the most common response is still: What’s the connection? My research focuses more generally on questions of health psychology.

Changement Climatique/Climate ChangePsychologie/PsychologyBehaviour Change TechniqueCarbon FootprintDietSciences de la santéAnglais
Auteur Bernard Paquito

The definition of sustainable diet varies between the authors and countries (1). However, the main characteristics are provided by Lonnie et al. (2) : to consume a variety of unprocessed or minimally processed foods, (i.e., whole-grains, pulses, fruits and vegetables), with moderate amounts of eggs, dairy, poultry and fish and modest amounts of ruminant meat . The Food and Agriculture Organization has published a more broad definition of