

Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.
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Free at last! Well, not quite yet, but close enough anyway: my PhD contract has ended; last friday was my last working day, which my collegues and I celebrated with a visit to Nijmegen oldest bar, In de Blauwe Hand . But I still have my manuscript to finish. This formally ends a period of almost 12.5 years at the Radboud University Nijmegen. Starting last monday I’m at home, trying to get things finished as soon as possible.


This is the best news I heard in weeks! The US Patent and Trade Offfice spoke with open source representatives about ways to deal with open source software as prior art. Apparently, their problem was how to be sure about release dates of open source, and authoritative sites like, help a lot here, which extensive logging of releases.


While waiting for a Dragon calculation to finish (it does not work for molecules with more than 300 atoms!), I updated CDK’s build.xml to support gjdoc. The build script is now able to compile the custom doclets we use for creating the src/*.javafiles and others from the Java source files. And using gij I could also run CDK’s 1688 JUnit tests!


One of the things I had not fully figured out up to today, was how to configure my Kubuntu system to easily view DVDs on our TV, using my NVIDIA’s TV-OUT. I’ve seen xorg.conf files that define a X11 server for the monitor and a second for the TV, and files that use TwinView. Now, I did not really like the way first option worked, so tried the second.


Derek Lowe is the author of the blog In the Pipeline which is really fun to read. Derek works in pharmaceutical industry and gives a great insight in how things work in that field of molecular sciences. Yesterday he blogged about What Makes an Ugly Molecule? , and touches the Rule-of-Five, the hydrochloric acid bath (aka stomach), and other reasons that make molecules ugly.


After the three obligatory days of christmas holidays (fun, especially with two children, but very exhausting), it is time to get back to business again. I’m still at my father-in-laws place with only XP installed, so booted the Knoppix 4.0.2 DVD I burned last friday. Eclipse is not working, but being able to use Kmail to read my email again is just what you need as in internet-junkie.


In a recent JCIM article, Schuffenhauer compares a few subset selection methods, and notes that some of them reduce the average complexity of the molecules. They put this in relation to other research that states that lead compounds with high complexity have higher activities. Recommended reading material for the holidays.


One of the Classpath developers pointed me to their CVS statistics when I asked them how actively their project is currently developed, i.e. the number of active developers. The pages are generated with StatCVS, and I ran it one the CDK too. I knew I did a lot of work on the CDK, but never realized that 62.7% of the commits were mine! Keep in mind, though, that a lot of these commits are for code maintainance!


For some weeks now I have been thinking about bug 1309731: “ModelBuilder3D overwrites Atom IDs”. The ModelBuilder3D is a complex piece of source code, reusing many other parts of the CDK, including atom type perception. Somewhere in October, however, I found that Taverna could not create 3D models and convert these into reasonable CML because the Atom ID’s were messed up. So the question is, where did the ModelBuilder3D do this?


I drop in on the #classpath channel of IRC network, where the #cdk channel runs too. The #classpath channel is for the Classpath project which is developing the free Java libraries used by most open source virtual machines. A item was mentioned “Java Is So 90s”. It lead to a funny discussion about what that would make C/C++ and Fortran.


I reported earlier that the CDK has been updated in CVS to use CML from the new Jumbo 5.0. The transition actually involved a lot of changes in the CDK, some I would like to address in the following comments. One thing is that CML write support (not reading!) uses the new Jumbo library which requires Java 1.5. Thus, if Java 1.5 is not available, then CML writing should not be compiled. This is how this is done.