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CST Online

CST Online
Television Studies Blog
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BlogsSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur Teresa Forde

The Trump administration prompted a space for dissent, critique and counter positioning within the media. Inevitably its extreme agenda had an impact on television. Trump’s rhetoric was so problematic that there would inevitably be responses to his views and policies within a range of television programming. The divisive language represented the then President’s emphasis upon borders, exclusion and enemies, both outside and within the USA.

CFPCFPs ConferencesMaySciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur CSTonline

Televisuality , as theorised by John T. Caldwell in 1995, allows for a holistic view on the unique properties of television as industrial product, technology, aesthetic form, and object of cultural discourse and audience engagement.

BlogsSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur Christine Geraghty

Fig. 1: Logo of ITVX In my first CST blog, over 10 years ago now, I confessed that I was a late adopter of television and its technologies.

CFPCFPs ConferencesSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur CSTonline

SOUND ON SCREEN II HYBRID CONFERENCE, OXFORD BROOKES UNIVERSITY, 5th-6th JULY 2023 CALL FOR PAPERS DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: FRIDAY 24th MARCH 2023 (23:59) Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words, an indication of whether you would prefer to appear in person or online, and a brief biography of no more than 150 words to by March 24th 2023. The second

CFPConferences/eventsSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur CSTonline

Monday 26th June – Friday 30th June 2023: The Disney, Culture and Society’s First Annual Conference celebrating 1 year of DisNet! Monday 26th June – Friday 30th June 2023 An international, multi-billion dollar media conglomerate, the Walt Disney Company has been in our lives since 1923.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur CSTonline

This collection initially examines cinematic, televisual, literary, visual and poetic representations of body parts who are vitalized, autonomized, individuated and animated. They become independent entities with a mind of their own.

CFPCFPs ConferencesSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur CSTonline

Screening Spaces of Youth Symposium Online (Zoom), 2 June 2023 “Screening Spaces of Youth” aims to bring together scholars interested in the representation of youth in audiovisual texts media, including cinema, television and other media. More specifically, this one-day online symposium places its focus on onscreen representations of spaces of youth.

BlogsSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur Jonathan Bignell

I have been writing about Samuel Beckett’s film and television plays for over 20 years, but until recently I had not studied screen adaptations of his theatre plays. A new collection of essays about adaptations of Beckett’s work after his death in 1989 gave me an opportunity to write about the Beckett on Film project (2001) that adapted all 19 of his theatre plays.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur CSTonline

Nuns have a presence in cinema as longstanding as the medium itself, including the 1922 horror film Haxan . 2021’s Benedetta , a controversial but successful Paul Verhoeven film, is a recent restatement of the capacity for stories about women religious, or women in vocation normally called nuns, to be the source of powerful and successful works across all conceivable genres.