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BlogsSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur Melissa Beattie

‘It’s been…’ For those of a certain age and/or certain geographic range, that partial lyric was almost certainly read in the voice of Steven Page, the former co-front man of Canadian band Barenaked Ladies (from now BNL). Though Page has since become both a solo artist and part of the Trans-Canadian Highwaymen supergroup and the iconic initial lyric is now sung as a duet between BNL’s multi-instrumentalist Kevin Hearn and drummer Tyler

CFPCFPs ConferencesJuneSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur CSTonline

Conference call for papers: ‘Weddings and Funerals: UK Screen Industries in a Global Context, 1994-2024’, 13-14 th June 2024 A 2-day conference organised by the Centre for Converged Screen Media and Entertainment (COSME), Department of Communication and Media, University of Liverpool, 13-14 June 2024 Keynote Speakers: Dr Kay Dickinson (University of Glasgow,

BlogsSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur Mhairi Brennan

This month the University of Stirling published the largest ever study of autistic people’s research priorities (Cage, E et al, 2024) finding that they wanted research to focus on mental health and support rather than ‘cure’. In other words, autistic people want their lives to be valued and supported as they are, not to have the sides shaved off their square pegs so that they will fit into a round hole.

CFPCFPs ConferencesOctoberSciences des médias et de la communication
Auteur CSTonline

Following the conferences devoted to US network series produced from the 1950s to the 1970s (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier, May 2018), during the 1980s (UPVM, February 2019) or the 1990s (UPVM, February 2020), this conference will focus on network series of the following decade: 2000-2010.

CFPCFPs ConferencesSeptemberSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur CSTonline

In an interview about the end of the last millennium, James Ballard argued that Science Fiction (SF) had created the greatest popular literature of the 20th century. The imagery that we saw in the cinema, television, advertising and other media was the most powerful imagery produced in the last hundred years. By the end of the century, the genre had done its job and it was dead.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur CSTonline

Global Perspectives on Soccer and the Media and Entertainment Industry Floribert Patrick C. Endong (Editor) University of Dschang, Cameroon Introduction Over the years, the political significance of football in the world has tremendously grown.

CFPCFPs JournalsSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur CSTonline

Call for Papers: ‘When the Shadow Flickers: The Moving Image in Contemporary Chinese Art’ Volume 12, Issue 1, Spring 2025, Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art A Special Issue co-edited by Yang Panpan and Jiang Jiehong At a time when the moving image has become a ubiquitous presence in museums and galleries in China and the Sinophone world, the studies of the moving image in the sphere of contemporary Chinese art remain surprisingly scarce.

CFPCFPs ConferencesJuneSciences des médias et de la communicationAnglais
Auteur CSTonline

When: Tue 13 June 2024, 10am-4pm Where: Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh (in person) Since the publication of Scottish Cinema: Texts and Contexts (Meir 2014), The New Scottish Cinema (Murray 2015) and Directory of World Cinema: Scotland (Nowlan and Finc 2015) there has been a notable absence of critical writing on Scottish Film and Television.