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DataCite Blog - DataCite

DataCite Blog - DataCite
Connecting Research, Advancing Knowledge
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Make Data CountProductProjectsStrategyInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

In the realm of scholarly publishing, the discipline metadata of outputs is of utmost importance. It is the backbone upon which works are discovered, indexed, and ultimately read. Without proper discipline metadata, outputs risk being lost in the vast sea of information in the scholarly landscape. However, despite the importance of discipline metadata, it can be a source of frustration for both authors and publishers.

EventInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

The DataCite team had an intense week in Buenos Aires for the csv,conf,v7 and we tell you (almost) all about it in this blog! What is csv,conf? csv,conf is a community-organized event by and for datamakers from all around the world. Participants get together to discuss open data, and how it can be used to solve problems across research, journalism, government, and beyond!

Global Access ProgramStaffInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

The Global Access Program (GAP) is DataCite’s initiative to improve access and enable communities in lesser-represented regions to further benefit from our open infrastructure services, launched with support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (Grant 2022-316573). Throughout the next year, the program builds out DataCite’s international community with regional support and engagement in Africa,

Global Access ProgramStaffStrategyInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

I’m excited to join the DataCite team as Regional Community Engagement Specialist - Africa.
In the past, I have worked as an IT professional in sectors like academia, IT consultancy, insurance, banking, telecommunication, oil and gas, actuarial, and lastly an agricultural research organization. Most recently, I was the institutional data manager at IITA, leading the team responsible for open access, open data, and open science. I led various projects including the integration of DataCite DOIs into the institutional data repository, integrated research repositories with the institutional data repository, development of a knowledge portal, development of a data collection quality control platform, and migration of various knowledge platforms. I led open-access outreach and engagement across all the countries where the organization has a presence. I promoted data management best practices at infrastructural and operational levels including the development of an institutional data management plan template, data management, and open data-related capacity building for students, researchers, partners, and government agencies.

The post Leading DataCite’s Global Access Program in Africa – Welcome Bosun Obileye appeared first on DataCite.

DataCite ConnectEventInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

After three years of webinars, online workshops, and virtual member meetings, DataCite Connect Gothenburg finally brought together our community for an in-person meeting co-located with the RDA Plenary 20. We are happy that so many members joined us to connect, learn, and discuss national PID and open research strategies and the role DataCite can play in their development.

FabricaIGSNStrategyInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Auteurs Rorie Edmunds, Cody Ross

DataCite now has a mechanism built into Fabrica for designating a Repository account as an IGSN ID Catalog that will be used exclusively for the registration of IGSN IDs. This development ensures identification of Repositories and prefixes that are used for IGSN ID registration, and enables IGSN IDs to be tracked and identified. It also enables future updates to DataCite services and our Metadata Schema to be correctly applied to IGSN IDs.

ProductDesignDesign SystemInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

At DataCite, we are excited to announce the introduction of our new design system. As an organization that values collaboration and innovation, we constantly look for ways to improve our processes and products. That is why we have developed a design system that will provide our teams with a consistent and user-friendly design language for our web services.