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DataCite Blog - DataCite

DataCite Blog - DataCite
Connecting Research, Advancing Knowledge
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MetadataInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Auteurs Madeleine de Smaele, Isabel Bernal

Many things have happened since the DataCite Metadata Working Group last released a new version of its schema in the summer of 2019. Indeed, amongst a long list of transformations brought about by the ongoing global pandemic, the paramount importance of accessing research data has been made clear to all as a requirement to accelerate trustworthy and evidenced-based science.

FabricaPIDforumInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

We are happy to announce that we are taking the final steps on our way to providing you with all the relevant information you need. We outlined this transition already last year, meaning to move away from our current mailing lists to mailing lists that will be based on member information available in DataCite Fabrica. We are excited to announce that this step will happen this week.

StrategyInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Auteur Matt Buys

Last month I shared our Vision 2021 that puts into action the goals set out in our strategic plan. In this post I want to share about our strategic visioning activity that we will collectively embark on as a community. As a community we are driven by our mission and vision: Our Vision: Connecting research, identifying knowledge. Our Mission: DataCite’s mission is to be the world’s leading provider of persistent identifiers for research.

ConsortiumOpen HoursInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

DataCite Open Hours are an opportunity for anyone in the community to hear the latest updates, ask questions and engage with DataCite staff and other community members. Sometimes there’s even a festive pub quiz! Open Hours also provides an informal, interactive forum to learn from and share with the DataCite community and gather feedback for our roadmap, which is essential to our mission.

SurveyInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

For the last 3 years, we have been sending an annual survey to our members (for previous results, see and to receive input which helps us reflect on how we did and how we can improve moving forward. In this blog post, we want to share the outcomes of the 2020 survey and also take the opportunity to look at some of the changes we see compared to previous surveys.

Informatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Auteur Matt Buys

At the end of last year, we had the opportunity to reflect on 2020 (@ as a year and plan for 2021. It was certainly a challenging year for all of us in the community and it is during these times that we realize our collective strength! Despite the challenges that we had, DataCite continued to grow as a global community working together.

Make Data CountStrategyBibliometricsDryadFOSInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

In a recent conversation with Dr. Isabella Peters, she mentioned: Can we make the same statements about data citation and data publication behavior? And If so, what are data citation patterns in each discipline?. These questions are at the center of the ‘Meaningful Data Counts’ project that Dr. Stefanie Haustein and Dr. Isabella Peters lead.

Informatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

The DataCite EZ API was first introduced in 2017 to assist those of our Members who transitioned from the California Digital Library (CDL) EZID service. Users were able to make the same API calls they used to make to EZID, just using the DataCite endpoint instead. This was introduced as a temporary solution to support easy transition of services. Finally, 4 years later, it is time to retire the DataCite EZ API.

Informatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Auteur Matt Buys

As 2020 comes to a close, we reflect back on a year of global uncertainty and many challenges faced by our entire community. It can only be described as a year of the unexpected, and it demonstrated the importance of communities working together. Despite the challenges we faced this year, DataCite also had a year with lots to celebrate and it is important to reflect on some of the highlights.

Informatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

Hi there! I’m the latest addition to the DataCite team in the role of Adoption Manager for ROR and DataCite. An ardent open knowledge and persistent identifier enthusiast, I spent the past 6 years at ORCID wearing hats ranging from member support to technical lead. A librarian by training and a software developer by necessity, I thrive at the intersection of people, processes and technology.

StaffInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

DataCite is pleased to welcome Suzanne Vogt to our team. Suzanne joined DataCite as an application developer in November 2020. Can you tell us a little bit about what you did before you started working for DataCite? I have been a software developer for a number of years, my very early experience is in operating systems and networking.