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DH Lab

DH Lab
Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG)
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Event ReportHebrewOCRTranskribusHistoire et archéologieAnglais
Auteur Thorsten Wübbena

By Alessandro Grazi It was a cold, sunny, winter morning, and just like every other morning I was standing on a platform of Giessen’s train station. But this time I wasn’t headed to the IEG in Mainz, where I work, but to Innsbruck, Austria. No, the anticipation I felt wasn’t for an exciting skiing weekend on the Austrian Alps (I can’t ski, anyway!), but for the Transkribus User Conference 2020.

Lab ReportCOVID-19EpidemicsHigher-order NetworksNetwork ScienceHistoire et archéologieAnglais
Auteur Demival Vasques Filho

At the beginning of March, I went to New Zealand for a research visit with a planned duration of four weeks. This visit was part of a collaboration involving the IEG DH Lab and Te Pūnaha Matatini, a New Zealand centre of research excellence for complex systems and data science hosted by the University of Auckland’s Department of Physics.

Lab ReportDigital HistoryDoing Digital History With PythonJSONPythonHistoire et archéologieAnglais
Auteur Monika Barget

by Monika Barget During our DH brownbag lunches at the IEG, colleagues have repeatedly asked us if we could recommend Python packages for digital history. We have therefore set up a list of packages we at the IEG DH Lab are using for the analysis of text (stored, for instance, in XML/TEI or JSON formats), the modelling of historical networks, or the creation of interactive maps.

Lab ReportAORCOVID-19IIIFTeachingHistoire et archéologieAnglais
Auteur Jaap Geraerts

by Jaap Geraerts Prior to taking up my current position at the IEG, I was based at the Centre for Editing Lives and Letters (CELL) at University College London where I served as the postdoctoral fellow on the digital humanities project “The Archaeology of Reading in Early Modern Europe” (AOR). An international collaboration between CELL, Johns Hopkins University, and Princeton University, the project team, consisting of historians, computer

Lab ReportDesignGamificationPublic HumanitiesHistoire et archéologieAnglais
Auteur Thorsten Wübbena

by Isabelle Tanja Reiß Last winter I had the pleasure of working at IEG Mainz for ten weeks. This internship was part of my master programme in Digital Humanities at JGU Mainz. My task was to rework the board game “engage!” created by Monika Barget, Jack Kavanagh, Susan Schreibman, Kathleen Fitzpatrick and Sharon M. Leon in 2018.

Event ReportArt HistoryDARIAH-DENFDIResearch InfrastructureHistoire et archéologieAllemand
Auteur Thorsten Wübbena

Von Fabian Cremer und Thorsten Wübbena tl;dr Der DARIAH-DE-Workshop zu ConedaKOR – einem graphbasierten Datenbanksystem zur Verwaltung und Präsentation von Objektsammlungen – führte neben neuen Entwicklungen der schnittstellenstarken und modular aufgebauten Software über die Anwendungsfälle in der Kunstgeschichte und Maya-Forschung zu grundsätzlichen Fragen in der Software- und Infrastrukturentwicklung für die Forschung: 1. Komplexe Software

Event ReportReIReSReligious StudiesHistoire et archéologieAnglais
Auteur Jaap Geraerts

by Jaap Geraerts The IEG is one of the twelve partners of the Horizon2020 project “Religious Infrastructure on Religious Studies”, mostly known by its acronym “ReIReS“. Within this project, one of the main responsibilities of the IEG is the organisation of the various training sessions such DH workshops and training schools that take place at each of the partner institutions.

Event ReportHigher-order NetworksNetwork AnalysisNetwork TheoryTwitterHistoire et archéologieAnglais
Auteur Demival Vasques Filho

by Demival Vasques Filho I just returned from Japan, where I attended the NetSciX (the Winter edition of NetSci) conference. It was an enjoyable event, with inspiring presentations and discussions. Here, I will share with you some of my perceptions about it! It seems that the humanities still have a low presence in conferences on network science.