
Everything is Connected

Everything is Connected
Ernesto Priego's blog. A personal repository of stuff.
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Auteur Ernesto Priego

I am delighted to announce that The British Library (British Library) and City, University of London (City) will be offering a fully-funded PhD studentship (including fees and living allowance) on the research theme of ‘Understanding UK digital comics information and publishing practices: From creation to consumption.’ The supervision team for this particular collaborative PhD will be: City,

EventsSciences humainesAnglais
Auteur Ernesto Priego

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ScrapsSciences humainesAnglais
Auteur Ernesto Priego

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ScrapsSciences humainesAnglais
Auteur Ernesto Priego

A s it’s that time of the year and Altmetric has released its 2018 Top 100, in this post I share the 2018 Top 100 research outputs with ‘comics’ as a keyword according to Altmetric. I queried the data from the Altmetric Explorer, looking for all outputs with this keyword between 13/12/2017 and 13/12/2018. I then refined the data to concentrate only on the Top 100 outputs about comics.

ScrapsSciences humainesAnglais
Auteur Ernesto Priego

A re so-called ‘alternative’ metrics documenting attention to outputs from publishers, access types, funders, insitutitons and countries usually invisible via traditional citation metrics?  Another way to put it is, can altmetrics contribute to higher visibility of outputs usually excluded from mainstream metrication?

EventsSciences humainesAnglais
Auteur Ernesto Priego

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EventsSciences humainesAnglais
Auteur Ernesto Priego

A s part of my Open Access Week 2018 activities, I will be doing an express trip to Rome on Wednesday 24th October 2018 to participate in the following event: Convegno di studi * * Ricerca scientifica, monopoli della conoscenza e Digital Humanities. Prospettive critiche dall’Europa del Sud La investigación científca, los monopolios del conocimiento y Humanidades Digitales.