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Economics from the Top Down

Economics from the Top Down
New ideas in economics and the social sciences
Page d'accueilFlux Atom
Average SabotageComposition Of National IncomeDebtEconomic GrowthGdpSciences économiquesAnglais
Auteur Blair Fix

Are interest rates a neutral policy variable? Or are they a tool for class warfare? It turns out that the evidence speaks for itself. Here are three ways that higher interest rates redistribute income.

Capital As PowerBichler And NitzanCause And EffectDe BeersDoctorowSciences économiquesAnglais
Auteur Blair Fix

Low energy growth tends to come with high inflation — what economists call ‘stagflation’. But what causes what? I have a look here.

DegrowthEconomic GrowthEnergy UseInflationInternational DataSciences économiquesAnglais
Auteur Blair Fix

I use World Bank data to test Nitzan and Bichler’s ‘stagflation thesis’ — the idea that inflation in the midst of economic stagnation is the norm.

HierarchyFirming Up InequalityFirmsHierarchical DespotismHierarchical PowerSciences économiquesAnglais
Auteur Blair Fix

I use a model of hierarchy to explore how income has been redistributed within US firms.