Do higher interest rate increase unemployment? I look at the evidence and find it lacking.
Do higher interest rate increase unemployment? I look at the evidence and find it lacking.
Are interest rates a neutral policy variable? Or are they a tool for class warfare? It turns out that the evidence speaks for itself. Here are three ways that higher interest rates redistribute income.
I look at the class battle between wage workers and creditors, and how this struggle relates to inflation.
Using standard tools of economic analysis, I show that the key to reducing inflation is to raise wages as fast as possible.
There is strong evidence that higher interest rates don’t mitigate inflation. Instead, they might make it worse. I wade through the details here.
According to economic orthodoxy, higher interest rates reduce inflation. In this post, I hold your monetary faith to the fire. Can it survive?
Low energy growth tends to come with high inflation — what economists call ‘stagflation’. But what causes what? I have a look here.
I use World Bank data to test Nitzan and Bichler’s ‘stagflation thesis’ — the idea that inflation in the midst of economic stagnation is the norm.
Here are my most popular posts of 2022. Thanks for reading!
Here’s an update to my post ‘The Truth About Inflation’. As expected, inflation is still differential. And no, it’s not caused by government spending.
I use a model of hierarchy to explore how income has been redistributed within US firms.