I use a model of hierarchy to explore how income has been redistributed within US firms.
I use a model of hierarchy to explore how income has been redistributed within US firms.
A how-to guide for academics who want to have their name on lots of papers.
Want to kill the oil industry? Just enforce its obligation to cleanup old wells.
I’ve spent a lot of time on this blog debunking economists’ claims about productivity. Usually, I come at the problem from a fairly technical angle, meaning I break down the contradictions involved in economists’ methods. Today, I want to try a more philosophical approach. I’m going to talk about dualism — the idea that something can be two things at once.
I’ve started a new section of this blog where I’ll share tips for doing data-driven science.
I use word frequency to study the rise and fall of capitalist ideology.
In his recent book, Joseph Henrich argues Western culture exists because the Catholic Church got obsessed with incest. Here’s my in-depth review.
Do unskilled people actually underestimate their incompetence?
The state of the world from the elite point of view.
Is capitalist power built on social sabotage?
I crunch the numbers on oil-and-gas depletion in Alberta.