Yes you should read ‘Scale’. No, don’t believe everything it says.
Yes you should read ‘Scale’. No, don’t believe everything it says.
My thoughts on the state of corporate power in the US.
Tim Di Muzio explores the concept of ‘sabotage’ as it applies to capitalist power.
Some philosophical thoughts on Canada’s recent election.
Tidyquant is a nifty R package for get stock-price data.
Here’s the blog summary of my paper ‘Economic development and the death of the free market’.
Karl Marx declared that all value stems from labor. Was he right?
I discuss the ongoing research into the capital-as-power model of the stock market.
I explore how sociality underpins the evolution of big life.
Here’s the software and packages that I use the most for my research.
Human intuition for probability may not be as ‘biased’ as behavioral economists think.