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Martin Paul Eve

Martin Paul Eve
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Langues et littératureAnglais

Update from a previous post, now with a final PDF. About This is a Cambridge "FirstView" version of an article forthcoming in Journal of American Studies. This article is copyright 2014 Cambridge University Press. This version of the paper is made available as gratis green open access in accordance with the publisher's policy.

Langues et littératureAnglais

New article out in the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication: Eve, Martin Paul, ‘All That Glisters: Investigating Collective Funding Mechanisms for Gold Open Access in Humanities Disciplines’, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication , 2 (2014) # Abstract BACKGROUND This article sets out the economic problems faced by the humanities disciplines in the transition to gold

Langues et littératureAnglais

A great deal of water has passed under the bridge in the two years since the UK government reinvigorated its push towards open access – making publicly funded research papers freely available online. Although there is broad agreement on the policy, vociferous debates have raged over the details of implementation.

Langues et littératureAnglais

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the potential for producing semantically rich JATS element-citations by using Zotero's built-in CSL engine. A short while after writing that post, I wondered whether it might, instead, be possible and better to directly link my typesetter to a Zotero database. I quickly mocked up a prototype using an improved version of the libzotero library in Qnotero for the Zotero interaction.

Langues et littératureAnglais

This morning I took time to write to the TTIP consultation to oppose its implementation, and especially the ISDS clause. You should too. Responses must be personal to count but this is something that it is really worth fighting against. My personal response to the TTIP consultation was originally published by Martin Paul Eve at Martin Paul Eve on July 03, 2014.

Langues et littératureAnglais

About This is an “accepted manuscript” for an article forthcoming in Journal of American Studies. It will appear in a revised form, subsequent to editorial input by Cambridge University Press. This article is copyright 2014 Cambridge University Press. This version of the paper is made available as green open access in accordance with the publisher's policy.

Langues et littératureAnglais

Progress! Work in progress code resides in the "zotero" branch of meTypeset. Image below shows command line search of library and dump of journal article. Date and many other fields not yet done. This will work, though. Dumping JATS from Zotero was originally published by Martin Paul Eve at Martin Paul Eve on June 23, 2014.

Langues et littératureAnglais

-- Diane Elam, 'Foreword' in Readings, Bill. 1996. The University in Ruins. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. p. vii. My emphasis. -- Readings, Bill. 1996. The University in Ruins. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. p. x. My emphasis. -- Jackie Hall, Obituary What better place than here , what better time than now?

Langues et littératureAnglais

I was thinking last week about the process of starting any new project -- and it's fairly clear cut. When I am conducting an initial literature review, I head off to the British Library and order ten or so books/articles on the subject that I want to investigate (provided there are 10 articles/books). I then go through the bibliographies and check which entries appear in all ten.