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A personal lab notebook
Page d'accueilFlux Atom
ConferencesFootballAlessandro LaganaAlfredo FerroAlfredo PulvirentiIngénierie et technologieAnglais

A brief wiki-report and some wiki-links from the first short and introductory day of Network Applications and Tools in Biology (NETTAB 2009) in Sicily where there was a tutorial on Technologies of wiki resources and bio-wikis delivered by Paolo Romano and Elda Rossi.

SeminarsAndrea WigginsCyberinfrastructureE-scienceFLOSSIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Andrea Wiggins [1,2] from Syracuse University, New York is visiting Manchester this week and will be doing a seminar on “Little e-Science“, the details of which are below. Update Slides are embedded below: References Andrea Wiggins (2009) Social Life of Information: We Are Who We Link Andrea’s blog Andrea Wiggins, James Howison, &

InformaticsSeminarsBioinformaticsDmakeDshIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Kenjiro Taura is visting Manchester next week from the Department of Information and Communication Engineering at the University of Tokyo. He will be doing a seminar, the details of which are below: References Miyao, Y., Sagae, K., Saetre, R., Matsuzaki, T., &

BiocurationData MiningInformaticsSemwebAlan RuttenbergIngénierie et technologieAnglais

The Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) are a set of reference ontologies for describing all kinds of biomedical data, see [1-5] for examples. Every year, users and developers of these ontologies gather from around the globe for a workshop at the EBI near Cambridge, UK. Following on from the first workshop last year, the 2nd OBO workshop 2009 is fast approaching.

ConferencesData MiningLyricalAuthor-idBruno HarbulotIngénierie et technologieAnglais

The organisers of the Science Online London 2009 conference are asking people to propose their own session ideas (see some examples here), so here is a proposal: If this is a successful proposal, I’ll need some help. Any offers? If you are interested in joining in the fun, more details are at References Bourne, P., &

Data MiningDefrostPublishingSeminarsAcmIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Michael Ley is visiting Manchester this week, he will be doing a seminar on Wednesday 3rd June, here are some details for anyone who is interested in attending: References Lincoln Stein (2002). Creating a bioinformatics nation: screen scraping is torture Nature, 417 (6885), 119-120 DOI: 10.1038/417119a

TechnologyAtomFeedBurnerO'Really?RSSIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Just a quick note about subscribing: if you are a regular reader of this O’Really blog and you don’t already subscribe, there are two ways you can receive automatic notifications when new posts are published here: Point your feed reader at, (the preferred method) or … Point your feed reader at (the WordPress method) which unfortunately gives unreliable subscriber stats.

FundingBbsrcChequebook JournalismDIUSEpsrcIngénierie et technologieAnglais

All over the Britain, politicians are getting ready to publish their expenses on the Interweb. Why? Because they are trying to regain their lost credibility, after making some incredibly dodgy and embarrassing expense claims [1-7]. Scandals aside, this is all well and good since this money has come from the UK taxpayers pocket, and politicians are public servants, doing public work which is supposedly in the public good.

ConferencesSemwebBioinformaticsCarole GobleCataniaIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Network Tools and Applications in Biology (NETTAB) is a series of workshops in Bioinformatics. It focuses on the most promising and innovative ICT tools and their utility in Bioinformatics. These workshops aim to introduce participants to the evolving network standards and technologies that are being applied to the field of biology. Since 2001, the NETTAB workshops have being doing a Giro d’Italia or  Grand Tour of Italy;