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A personal lab notebook
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SysbioAffymetrixCSHLDnaDNA ManiaIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Genomes to Systems is a biannual conference held in Manchester covering the latest post-genome developments. Here are some brief and incomplete notes on some of the speakers and topics from day one of the 2008 conference.

SemwebCaliforniaLyricalSemantic WebSocalIngénierie et technologieAnglais

(To be spoken in the best SoCal Valley Speak you can muster) I went down to the beach and saw Yahoo She was, like, all “semantic web” And I was, like, “whatever!” References Liam Lynch (2003) (Well this is my) United States of Whatever Yours Truly (2007) Burn, Semantic Web Burn! Yours Truly (2005) Rethinking the Semantic Web, The Semantic Web (stack): Will It All End In Tiers?

BioblogsBioengineeringBiohazardBioinformaticsDrew EndyIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Bio::Blogs is a monthly bioinformatic-related blog journal. This issue, number 19, is hosted here at O’Really? and focuses on the the fascinating relationship between Biology and Engineering. Below, for your reading pleasure, is a brief roundup of blog posts during February-ish 2008, and a few other related Bioengineering resources.

Web Of ScienceDavid DeRoureEScienceJim GrayMyexperimentIngénierie et technologieAnglais

I’ve often wondered how all the ridiculous fluffy Web 2.0 marketing hype (see Tim O’Reilly’s principles of Web 2.0) maps into the world of Science. In a talk yesterday, Dave DeRoure argued there is a massive gap between scientists and infrastructure on the Web of Science, most people would agree with this. He points out that there is nothing in the middle to bridge between the two disparate worlds of people and technology.

InformaticsAndrew HopkinsAtomiumDouglas KellHenry RzepaIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Some brief notes on and links to presentations from the MCISB / NaCTeM workshop on Chemical Informatics and Data-driven Science, held at the MIB in Manchester, 4th March 2008. Douglas Kell: overview of issues for chemical genomics and systems biology Sophia Ananiadou: Text mining and semantic markup David DeRoure, University of Southampton.

LablogsCameron NeylonChemtoolsJeremy FreyLabIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Some notes from a workshop on blog-based laboratory notebooks “ LaBlogs ” (Laboratory Logs / Weblogs) held at the Cosener’s House in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, hosted by Cameron Neylon, a protein biochemist based at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) and the University of Southampton.

SemwebFriendsLeigh DoddsOwlQotdIngénierie et technologieAnglais

So, no-one told you life was going to be this way Your job is a joke, you are broke, your love life is DOA. It is like you are always stuck in second gear Well, it has not been your day, your week, your month, or even your year… OWL be there for you, when the rain starts to pour. Software engineer Leigh Dodds explains how: —Leigh Dodds Read the rest in How Shall I Integrate Thee?

SysbioBioinformaticsDna ComputingSynthetic BiologySystems BiologyIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Details of two-day conference titled “Biological Complexity: From Molecules to Systems” at University College London (UCL) in June 2008 have recently been announced. Speakers and topics are described in the link above and also by Martyn Amos on his blog. Speakers from the UK include: Martyn Amos, Cyrus Chothia, Jasmin Fisher, Mike Hoffman / Ewan Birney, Jaroslav Stark, Michael Sternberg and Perdita Stevens.

InformaticsBioinformaticsData TombsDatabaseDNA ManiaIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Well it’s that time of year again. The 15th annual stamp collecting edition of the journal Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) , also known as the 2008 Database issue [1], was published earlier this week. This year there are 1078 databases listed in the collection, 110 more than the previous one (see Figure 1). As we pass the one thousand databases mark (1kDB) I wonder, what proportion of the data in these databases will never be used?

BiotechOmicsBio-RadDNA ManiaFunnyIngénierie et technologieAnglais

♫ PCR, When you need to know who the Daddy is ♫ … ♫ There was a time when to amplify DNA, You had to grow tons and tons of tiny cells. Then along came a guy named Dr. Kary Mullis, Said you can amplify in vitro just as well. Just mix your template with […]

CommunicationBloggers CornerBlogosphereCopyfightCory DoctorowIngénierie et technologieAnglais

There is a famous place in London town, inside Hyde Park, known as Speakers’ Corner. It is a space where free speech and self-expression prevail. At Speakers’ Corner, anyone can say anything they like about anything they want to anyone who cares to listen. There are some obvious parallels between blogging and Speakers’ Corner as well as one rather striking difference.