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Here in the UK, there is an annual tradition known as Dry January. It’s pretty simple, in the wake of all the festive indulgence (🍻), around 4 million people voluntarily abstain from alcohol for the month of January. Why? Because they can save money, sleep better, lose weight [1] and even raise money for charity in […]

ConferencesEducationEngineeringInformaticsMathematicsIngénierie et technologieAnglais

The Computing At School (CAS) conference is an annual event for educators, mostly primary and secondary school teachers from the public and private sector in the UK. Now in its ninth year, it attracts over 300 delegates from across the UK and beyond to the University of Birmingham, see the brochure for details. One of the purposes […]

AwardsEconomicsProgrammingTechnologyUKIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Venture Further is a business startup competition that awards £50k of prize money to eight student entrepreneurs in Manchester. Running annually, #VentureFurther showcases the enterprising talent of students and graduates of the University of Manchester in four themed categories: Business, Research, Digital and Social. Here is a quick summary of results from the 2017 competition, now in its twelfth year.

PoliticsAnnus HorribilisAnnus MirabilisAnnus StupidusBoris JohnsonIngénierie et technologieAnglais

The year 2016 will go down as an interesting one, but was it magnificent, horrible or stupid? Or perhaps all three Annus mirabilis? For some people, 2016 was a good year, an annus mirabilis . If you voted for Trump or are brexiteer who voted to leave the European Union, 2016 was a good year. If you are a climate change denier, you probably enjoyed 2016 too.

PoliticsAfzal KhanAlison AbbottAndrew MoravcsikAustria La VistaIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Along with 16 million other people on the 23rd June 2016 I voted to remain in the European Union (EU). I believe the benefits of EU membership exceed the costs. Free trade and free movement have been beneficial to me personally, many of those around me, as well as the wider UK economy [1]. I even married an EU migrant too, so I love Europe in more ways that one.

Ingénierie et technologieAnglais

2015 has been a busy year in the School of Computer Science at the University of Manchester (@csmcr). Here is a brief summary of some key activities during 2015 that will be of interest to employers and alumni, with a quick look ahead at what is coming in 2016 including: Industrial mentoring in software engineering Industrial experience Competitions &

ConferencesEducationEngineeringMathematicsOpen AccessIngénierie et technologieAnglais

There is growing interest in Wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons, and other Wikimedia projects as platforms for opening up the scientific process [1]. The first Wikipedia Science Conference will discuss activities in this area at the Wellcome Collection Conference Centre in London on the 2nd & 3rd September 2015.

EducationEngineeringMathematicsScienceTechnologyIngénierie et technologieAnglais

Manchester Digital a non-profit trade assocation of around 500 digital businesses in the north west of england. Every year they hold elections at their AGM for members of their council who serve for two years. It’s time for me to stand for re-election because my two years is up. Here’s a vote-for-me pitch in 100 words: Digital skills […]