

x == (s || z). You say it kwontized
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The Digital CellASCBCell BiologyInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Auteur Stephen Royle

I wrote a short opinion piece for the December Newsletter for the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB). The content is reproduced below, or you can read the newsletter version here on page 14 of the PDF. The theme of this year’s ASCB|EMBO Meeting is Cell Biology for the 21st Century. So what skills are essential for a cell biologist to master in the 21st century?

PublishingJournal Of Cell ScienceKnocksidewaysNanobodyInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

This is a follow up to a previous post. Despite what the title says, it is what we wanted. Our paper on dongles has just been published in Journal of Cell Science. The previous post on quantixed , explained all about the paper and the background to it. The journal featured our paper as a research highlight and they also interviewed first author, Cansu Küey.

PublishingScienceCell BiologyJournal Of Cell BiologyKnocksidewaysInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

We have a new paper out! You can access it here. The paper in a nutshell We have discovered a new class of trafficking vesicle inside cells. These vesicles are very small (30 nm across) and we’ve called them intracellular nanovesicles, or INVs for short. What is a trafficking vesicle? Humans are built from lots of cells.

The Digital CellInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

It’s real! I recently received a physical copy of my book, The Digital Cell: Cell Biology as a Data Science . It is published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press and is available here. The official release date is 1st December 2019. As I’ve described before, “The Digital Cell” a handbook to doing cell, developmental and molecular biology in the 21st Century; integrating computational and quantitative approaches.

PublishingIgorProJournal Of Cell ScienceMetricsInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

A quick post this week. I write “this week” in an attempt to convince regular readers that weekly posting will continue. I noticed that J. Cell Sci. give download metrics for their papers and that these downloads are categorised into abstract, full-text and PDF. I was interested in how one of my papers performed.

Adventures In CodeComputingEulerGizmoIgorInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

Quaternions are essentially magic. With just four numbers, they can describe the position and orientation of an object in space. For example, the rotation of an object about one axis. Consecutive rotations can also be described by a quaternion.

ComputingFunPiCamRaspberry PiInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

A while ago, I set up a couple of Raspberry Pi Zero cameras to make long-term time lapse movies. To recap: the idea was to take pictures every ten minutes and turn them into a movie. The process is totally automated so that every day, the photos from each Pi get saved to a server, and then processed into a movie that gradually gets longer and longer. At the end of the week, if the back up went OK, the photos get deleted from the Pi’s SD card.

FundingScienceGrantsRstatsInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

This post follows on from the last post on BBSRC Responsive Mode funding. Another frequent question from applicants is: “How much can I ask for?” One answer is: the same amount as successful grants. This information is freely available and can be downloaded from the UKRI website. All awarded grants can be searched (even those that have completed) using their database.

FundingScienceGrantsInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

This month I spent a lot of time evaluating proposals for BBSRC Committee D. At the same time a number of my colleagues were also preparing BBSRC applications for the next round. A question came up: Is it best to put Track Record before Case For Support or vice versa? If you have no idea what I mean, a brief explanation. The “Case for Support” is a document up to 8 pages which is the meat of a BBSRC Response Mode application.

ComputingInternet SafetyPi-holeRaspberry PiRPiInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

I have been running a pi-hole to block ads on my home network for a while. It’s great! Not only are ads blocked, but it speeds up internet browsing because… the ads do not load. I wondered if it would be possible to use a pi-hole to make a child-safe internet experience to protect the little people in the house. Sure, there are ways to do this in most routers but they are not ideal.