

x == (s || z). You say it kwontized
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ComputingScienceThe Digital CellAdviceCell BiologyInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

If you are a cell biologist, you will have noticed the change in emphasis in our field. At one time, cell biology papers were – in the main – qualitative . Micrographs of “representative cells”, western blots of a “typical experiment”… This descriptive style gave way to more quantitative approaches, converting observations into numbers that could be objectively assessed.

Adventures In CodeComputingCodeIgorIgorProInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

I needed to generate a uniform random distribution of points inside a circle and, later, a sphere. This is part of a bigger project, but the code to do this is kind of interesting. There were no solutions available for IgorPro, but stackexchange had plenty of examples in python and mathematica. There are many ways to do this.

PublishingScienceImpact FactorJIFMetricsInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

I have written previously about Journal Impact Factors (here and here). The response to these articles has been great and earlier this year I was asked to write something about JIFs and citation distributions for one of my favourite journals. I agreed and set to work. Things started off so well. A title came straight to mind.

Adventures In CodeComputingCodeIgorProMATLABInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

An occasional series in esoteric programming issues. As part of a larger analysis project I needed to implement a short program to determine the closest distance of two line segments in 3D space. This will be used to sort out which segments to compare… like I say, part of a bigger project. The best method to do this is to find the closest distance one segment is to the other when the other one is represented as an infinite line.

ComputingFunIgorIgorProSimulationInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

Top Trumps is a card game for children. The mind can wander when playing such games with kids… typically, I start thinking: what is the best strategy for this game? But also, as the game drags on: what is the quickest way to lose? Since Top Trumps is based on numerical values with simple outcomes, it seemed straightforward to analyse the cards and to simulate different scenarios to look at these questions.

FunIgorProPlotsRunningInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

2016 was the 400 year anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death. Stratford-upon-Avon Rotary Club held the Shakespeare Marathon on the same weekend. Runners had an option of half or full marathon. There were apparently 3.5 K runners. Only 700 of whom were doing the full marathon. The chip results were uploaded last night and can be found here. Similar to my post on the Coventry Half Marathon, I thought I’d quickly analyse the data.

FunCrewe AlexFootballStatisticsInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

Well, the 2015/2016 season was one to forget for Crewe Alexandra. Relegation to League Two (English football’s 4th tier) was confirmed on 9th April with a 3-0 defeat to local rivals Port Vale. Painful. Maybe Repeat Failure is a bit strong. Under Dario Gradi, the Railwaymen eventually broke into League One/Championship (the 2nd Tier) where they punched above their weight for 8 seasons.

ReadingBooksMbpInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

Raw Data: A novel on Life in Science by Pernille Rørth (Springer, 2016) {.alignleft .size-medium .wp-image-786 loading=“lazy” decoding=“async” attachment-id=“786” permalink=“ sx328_bo1204203200 /” orig-file=“ sx328_bo1204203200 .jpg?fit=330%2C499&ssl=1” orig-size=“330,499”

ComputingFunIgorProProbabilityStatisticsInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

Fans of probability love random processes. And lotteries are a great example of random number generation. The UK National Lottery ran in one format from 19/11/1994 until 7/10/2015. I was talking to somebody who had played the same set of numbers in all of these lottery draws and I wondered what the net gain or loss has been for them over this period.

ScienceCell BiologyInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

Yesterday I tried a gedankenexperiment via Twitter, and asked: If you could visualise a protein relative to an intracellular structure/organelle at ~5 nm resolution, which one would you pick and why? I got some interesting replies: Myosin Va and cargo on actin filaments in melanocytes – Cleidson Alves @cleidson_alves COPII components relative to ER and Golgi for export of