
Henry Rzepa's Blog

Henry Rzepa's Blog
Chemistry with a twist
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Chemical ITAcademic PublishingEmbargoOpen AccessPublishingChimieAnglais

Publishing embargoes seem a relatively new phenomenon, probably starting in areas of science when the data produced for a scientific article was considered more valuable than the narrative of that article. However, the concept of the embargo seems to be spreading to cover other aspects of publishing, and I came across one recently which appears to take such embargoes into new and uncharted territory.

Chemical ITCrystal_structure_miningInteresting ChemistryCentroidChemical EffectChimieAnglais

A celebration of the life and work of the great chemist Paul von R. Schleyer was held this week in Erlangen, Germany. There were many fantastic talks given by some great chemists describing fascinating chemistry. Here I highlight the presentation given by Andy Streitwieser on the topic of organolithium chemistry, also a great interest of Schleyer's over the years.

Chemical ITGeneralAugmented RealityChemical ArticleCompany: MicrosoftChimieAnglais

Augmented reality, a superset if you like of virtual reality (VR), has really been hitting the headlines recently. Like 3D TV, its been a long time coming! Since ~1994 or earlier, there have been explorations of how molecular models can be transferred from actual reality to virtual reality using conventional computers (as opposed to highly specialised ones). It was around then that a combination of software (Rasmol) and

Chemical ITArchive FormatsChemical StructureELNNuclear Magnetic ResonanceChimieAnglais

At the ACS conference, I have attended many talks these last four days, but one made some “connections” which intrigued me. I tell its story (or a part of it) here. But to start, try the following experiment. Find a Word document of .docx type on your hard drive Remove the .docx suffix and replace it with a .zip suffix. Expand as if it is an archive (it is!). A folder is created and this itself contains four further folders.

Chemical ITAcademic PublishingChemicalChemical Information DivisionChemical NomenclatureChimieAnglais

The upcoming ACS national meeting in San Diego has a CINF (chemical information division) session entitled "Global initiatives in research data management and discovery". I have highlighted here just one slide from my contribution to this session, which addresses the discovery aspect of the session. Data, if you think about it, is rarely discoverable other than by intimate association with a narrative or journal article.

Crystal_structure_miningInteresting ChemistryCity: San DiegoMetalNon-metalChimieAnglais

The upcoming ACS national meeting in San Diego has a CHED (chemical education division) session entitled Implementing Discovery-Based Research Experiences in Undergraduate Chemistry Courses. I had previously explored what I called extreme gauche effects in the molecule F-S-S-F. Here I take this a bit further to see what else can be discovered about molecules containing bonds between group 16 elements (QA= O, S, Se, Te).

Bond SlamHypervalencyAntibonding Molecular OrbitalAtomic OrbitalBlockChimieAnglais

Hypervalency is defined as a molecule that contains one or more main group elements formally bearing more than eight  electrons in their  valence shell. One example of a molecule so characterised was CLi 6 [cite]10.1038/355432a0[/cite] where the description "“ carbon can expand its octet of electrons to form this relatively stable molecule ” was used.