Sciences de la terre et de l'

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

SV-POW! ... All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. ISSN 3033-3695
Page d'accueilFlux AtomISSN 3033-3695
ArtBrachiosaurusCC BYCredit Where It's DueField Museum (Chicago)Sciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais

No, not his new Brachiosaurus humerus — his photograph of the Chicago Brachiosaurus mount, which he cut out and cleaned up seven years ago: {.alignnone .size-full .wp-image-8757 loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“8757” permalink=“”

BrachiosauridsBrachiosaurusChickenDIYDIY DinosaursSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Auteur Matt Wedel

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JurassicReimaginedBrachiosauridsBrachiosaurusField PhotosHumerusSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Auteur Matt Wedel

{.size-large .wp-image-17304 .aligncenter loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“17304” permalink=“” orig-file=“” orig-size=“1920,1080” comments-opened=“1”

JurassicReimaginedApatosaurusBrontosaurusBYU Museum Of PaleontologyCervicalSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Auteur Matt Wedel

In the last post, we looked at some sauropod vertebrae exposed in cross-section at our field sites in the Salt Wash member of the Morrison Formation. This time, we’re going to do it again! Let’s look at another of my faves from the field, with Thuat Tran’s hand for scale.

JurassicReimaginedBrachiosauridsCamarasaursCervicalCTSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Auteur Matt Wedel

Because I’ve worked a lot on the anatomy and evolution of air-filled bones in sauropod dinosaurs, I’ve spent most of my career looking at images like this: {.wp-image-17072 .size-large aria-describedby=“caption-attachment-17072” loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“17072” permalink=“”

Avian RespirationJust Plain WrongLiesNecksSome Kind Of BirdSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais

Heinrich Mallison sent me this amazing photo, which he found unattributed on Facebook: {.alignnone .size-full .wp-image-17034 loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“17034” permalink=“” orig-file=“” orig-size=“1080,1093” comments-opened=“1”

JurassicReimaginedBrian EnghField PhotosMorrison FormationTimelySciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Auteur Matt Wedel

{.size-large .wp-image-17060 .aligncenter loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“17060” permalink=“” orig-file=“” orig-size=“1000,475” comments-opened=“1”

Nervous SystemOff TopicVagus NerveSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Auteur Matt Wedel

This isn’t new to science, it’s just one of the cool little quirks of human and comparative anatomy that more people should be aware of. Quick-quick background: autonomic (unconscious, involuntary) innervation of the body comes in two flavors, sympathetic and parasympathetic. Sympathetic nerves mostly handle the fight-or-flight response, parasympathetics are feed-breed-and-read.