Sciences de la terre et de l'

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

SV-POW! ... All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. ISSN 3033-3695
Page d'accueilFlux AtomISSN 3033-3695
CaudalCervicalDiplodocidsDorsalFibulaSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Auteur Matt Wedel

Hey guess what? It’s gonna be another really short photo post. Here are some pix of the Jimbo material on display at the Wyoming Dinosaur Center. Many thanks to Tom Moncrieffe of the WDC for taking a good chunk of his day to show me around.

CastsConferencesDiplodocidsDorsalMuseumsSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Auteur Matt Wedel

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BrachiosauridsBrachiosaurusConferencesDiplodocidsDiplodocusSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Auteur Matt Wedel

I gave my keynote talk last evening at the 28th Annual Tate Conference. I also passed out the handout shown above so people could have a handy reference for sauropod biology while I was talking. I have a link to a PDF version at the bottom of this post if you’d prefer it that way. Now that the talk’s done, I’m letting my “abstract” out into the world, here (link) and at the bottom of this post.

ConferencesDebateOpen AccessSSPStinkin' PublishersSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais

In opposition to my speech supporting the motion “the open access movement has failed”, here’s what Jessica Polka said in opposition to the motion. The open access movement has not failed. It is in the process of succeeding. Indeed, over 50% of papers are now open access.

ApatosaurusBrontosaurusBYU Museum Of PaleontologyCervicalCervical RibsSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Auteur Matt Wedel

Normally I crop, rotate, and color balance every photo within an inch of its life, but right now I have a talk to polish, hence the as-shot quality here. See you in the future — the real near future if you’re attending the 2024 Tate summer conference, “The Jurassic: Death, Diversity, and Dinosaurs”.

ConferencesDebateOpen AccessPlan SSSPSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais

As I noted a week ago, to my enormous surprise I was invited to be one of the two participants in the plenary debate the closes the annual meeting of my long-term nemesis, the Society for Scholarly Publishing. I was to propose the motion “The open access movement has failed” in ten minutes or less, followed by Jessica Polka’s statement against the motion;

Museum Für Naturkunde BerlinStinkin' HeadsStinkin' SV-POW!sketeersSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais

{.alignnone .size-full .wp-image-4178 loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“4178” permalink=“” orig-file=“” orig-size=“2272,1704” comments-opened=“1”

DiplodocidsFemurGiant Oklahoma ApatosaurineMuseumsOMNHSciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Auteur Matt Wedel

{.size-large .wp-image-22161 .aligncenter loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“22161” permalink=“” orig-file=“” orig-size=“769,966” comments-opened=“1”

Open AccessStinkin' PublishersTeaserTimelySciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais

As he noted yesterday, Matt is out this week at the Tate conference, where he’ll be giving a keynote on the misleading patterns of sauropod taphonomy. But why am I not out there with him? We did start making tentative plans for a Wyoming Sauropocalypse centered on the Tate conference, but we couldn’t find a way to make it work for various reasons.

TaphonomyTate 2024TeaserTimelySciences de la terre et de l'environnementAnglais
Auteur Matt Wedel

Here’s something I’m going to be yapping about in my keynote talk, “The sauropod heresies: evolutionary ratchets, the taphonomic event horizon, and all the evidence we cannot see”, at the 2024 Tate Geological Museum’s Annual Summer Conference (link): how the fossil record of sauropods is probably wildly at variance with standing populations in life, at least in terms of sizes and maturity of the individuals that got fossilized.