Informatique et sciences de l'informationAnglaisBlogger

Syntaxus baccata

Syntaxus baccata
Thoughts about bibliographic metadata, programming, statistics, taxonomy, and biology.
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ContentMineInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

I updated Citation.js to accept quickscrape's results.json. Results can be viewed here. I made a card prototype for the database HTML page, using data extracted with quickscrape. It's mainly, although not advanced, a design thing, but it's nice to see what information I can fit. Results are here. With opened paper Without opened paper I have taken a look at quickscrape.

ContentMineInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

Extended proposal ( 3 June 2016, GitHub, with comments ): Analyzer and data visualizer for papers about conifers See also the comment about the first part of the process in the more detailed description. This will probably be done by a custom NodeJS program. The following part is most of the extension. Not that interesting or special, so this bit was shortened in the normal proposal.

ContentMineInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais

Start of the project. What I am going to do: update Citation.js to accept quickscrape's results.json look into quickscrape and the other programs, mainly to see how I can make a similar command for my own project perhaps add/improve some scrapers try to make a card prototype for the database No real work yet, but some orientation and preparing until I have some more information.