Messages de Rogue Scholar

WILDLIFE NEWSBiologieAnglais
Publié in Simply Ecologist
Auteur Erzsebet Frey

In a recent heart-wrenching event, a mother orca whale has been spotted carrying her deceased calf once again. This poignant display highlights the emotional depth and bonds that exist among these magnificent creatures. The behavior of the grieving orca provides insight into the impact of loss within the animal kingdom, especially among marine mammals.

Publié in quantixed

Another year, another edition of “the papers I selected for a module that I teach”. Previous selections are grouped here or here. The list serves as a snapshot of interesting papers published in the previous 12 months or so. I hope it is useful to others who are looking for lists of papers to read, for student selections or for anything else.

FeatureRogue ScholarInformatique et sciences de l'informationAnglais
Publié in Front Matter

The Rogue Scholar science blog archive depends on RSS feeds to automatically collect metadata and content. Atom, JSON Feed, and JSON APIs (e.g. for the WordPress, Ghost, or Substack platforms) are closely related to RSS. The Rogue Scholar API understands these different formats and regularly (currently every 10 min) checks participating blogs for new or updated content and associated metadata.

Publié in Paired Ends
Auteur Stephen Turner

OpenAI introduced the ability to create custom GPTs back in November 2023. I wanted to try to create one of these, and in the spirit of learning in public this post describes how I made it. But first, what does it do?Gene Info Custom GPT Gene Info custom GPT The Gene Info custom GPT takes a list of human gene symbols as input.

DINIElektronisches PublizierenForschungsinformationen & SystemeBarcelona DeclarationSciences socialesAllemand
Publié in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Auteur Christian Hauschke

Die Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information Im April 2024 wurde die Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information veröffentlicht, in der erklärt wird, was offene Forschungsinformationen sind und darauf aufbauend vier Selbstverpflichtungen der Unterzeichnenden aufgestellt und erläutert werden. Zuerst einmal: Was sind offene Forschungsinformationen?