Postagens de Rogue Scholar

OA TakeawaysGold Open AccessGreen Open AccessLateinamerikaOpen AccessOutras ciências sociaisAlemão
Publicados in Open Access Brandenburg
Autor Team OA Brandenburg

Unser Kollege Philipp Kandler, der sich im mit der Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle assoziierten BMBF-Projekt zum Aufbau des Datenkompetenzzentrums WiNoDa mit der Vermittlung von Open-Science-Kompetenzen für die objektzentrierte Forschung in naturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen befasst, legte unlängst seine Masterarbeit mit einem Überblick zu „Open Access in Lateinamerika“ vor. Verschiedene Stellen wiesen bereits auf sie hin.

Artificial IntelligenceOutras ciências técnicasInglês
Publicados in The Connected Ideas Project
Autor Alexander Titus

I’ve always believed that the process of discovery is as fascinating as the outcomes it yields. It’s not just about the eureka moments but the intricate web of questions, failures, and persistence that lead us there. I have been a fan of the concept of the Nobel Turing Challenge for a while, an idea I first read about in a paper by Hiroaki Kitano.

How The Sausage Is MadeHuman AnatomyPeople We LikeStinkin' Appendicular ElementsStinkin' MammalsCiências da Terra e do AmbienteInglês
Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I have a new paper out: Ramnani, A.S., Landeros, J.T., Wedel, M., Moellmer, R., Wan, S., Shofler, D.W. 2025. Supernumerary muscles in the leg and foot: A review of their types, frequency, and clinical implications. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 114(6): 9pp.

Ciências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês
Publicados in Recology
Autor Scott Chamberlain

While reviewing an R package at work I realized I wasn’t totally sure what advice to give about examples for internal functions in a package. That is, there’s an R package. The package has some exported functions, and some internal functions that are not exported.

LLMRetrieval Augmented GenerationOutras ciências sociaisInglês
Publicados in Aaron Tay's Musings about librarianship
Autor Aaron Tay

Summary (summarised by Gemini 2.0-exp) We often think of AI-generated 'hallucinations' as blatant errors, but what happens when a RAG system produces information that's factually true but not explicitly stated in its sources?

AktuellesAllgemeinOpen ResearchOpen AccessCreative CommonsOutras ciências sociaisAlemão
Publicados in Open Access Blog Berlin

Der Zugang zu Wissen, Information und Kultur ist ein elementares Gut moderner Wissensgesellschaften. Ein neuer Leitfaden von Till Kreutzer unterstützt dabei, die richtige Creative-Commons-Lizenz zu wählen und Inhalte auf diese Weise rechtssicher zu teilen. Der Leitfaden entstand in Kooperation mit Wikimedia Deutschland und der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission. Der Leitfaden „Open Content.

DINIForschungsinformationen & SystemeIdentitfierUmfrageCiências SociaisAlemão
Publicados in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Autor Gastautorin(nen) und -autor(en)

Im Juni 2024 rief der HeOSP-Verbund zur Teilnahme an einer Umfrage zu Identifiern für Forschungsinformationssysteme auf ( An dieser Umfrage beteiligten sich 28 Personen über den online-Zugang und weitere 10 Personen über persönliche Befragung Insgesamt konnten 16 vollständige und valide Antworten ausgewertet werden.

Software LifecyclesRR PackageSoftware DesignDOIOutra medicina humana e ciências da saúdeInglês
Publicados in Epiverse-TRACE developer space
Autores James Mba Azam, Hugo Gruson, Sebastian Funk

Most of our work at Epiverse TRACE involves either developing an R package from scratch or adopting and maintaining an existing R package. In the former case, decision-making during development is guided by internal policies documented in the Epiverse-TRACE blueprints. However, a less common scenario for us has been taking on the maintenance of an existing package — a situation we recently encountered with the bpmodels R package.