A copyedited, annotated transcript of my interview with Martin Eve.
A copyedited, annotated transcript of my interview with Martin Eve.
Anyone reading this newsletter has surely used the frontier models like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini. I’ve written a few posts about using local models but haven’t really talked much about the tools I use to directly interact with these models. Those previous posts interact with local models using tools like ellmer in R or my own biorecap package which interacts with a locally running Ollama server.
I first saw the mirror fern in a valley that shouldn’t have existed. I had been leading a planetary survey team on Ross 249-b, an exoplanet flagged as a high-probability candidate for habitability but never explored beyond remote sensing.
Cathrin Bengesser (Aarhus University) in conversation with Francesco Casetti (Yale University) This interview accompanies the translation of “From Paleo- to Neo-Television: A Semio-Pragmatic Approach” by Francesco Casetti and Roger Odin, which was originally published in French in 1990.
My days working at Knowledge Commons are highly varied. It’s great.
We are pleased to announce that the projects OA Datenpraxis and Infra Wiss Blogs of the Information Management Research Group from the Berlin School of Library and Information Science at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin will be represented at this year’s BID Congress. Furthermore, Heinz Pampel will be involved in several other events during the BID Congress.
The Amazon region is crucial for climate balance and biodiversity preservation. DataMap/Amazon, an initiative of the Center for Sustainable Amazon Studies at the University of São Paulo (USP), promotes the production and dissemination of science for the sustainable development of the Amazon.
Die Organisation Communia setzt sich für die Gemeinfreiheit in Europa ein. Das Ziel: Bibliotheken, Archive, Universitäten und andere Wissensinstitutionen sollen sich weiter rechtssicher öffnen und ihren öffentlichen Auftrag im digitalen Wandel erfüllen. Dafür hat Communia Forderungen für ein digitales Wissensgesetz erarbeitet. iRights.info veröffentlicht die deutsche Fassung. Justus Dreyling arbeitet als Policy Director bei Communia.
Por fin, en esta entrada comenzaré a hablar de la selectio de las variantes que permitirá establecer el texto crítico. En ChrysoCollate esta operación es relativamente simple. En puridad, no se trata de una colación completamente automatizada, pues ChrysoCollate —a diferencia de CollateX— no es capaz realizar un alineamiento de textos y evaluar la cercanía de las lecturas, labor que debe ser realizada manualmente por el editor.
Meditation is easy when you know what to do: absolutely nothing! It's hard at first, like trying to look at the back of your own head, but there's a knack to it.
Every episode in a tv series starts with a recap. So… Previously, on Portal: the Regime Shift — In fall of 2023, one of the ruling families of Portal — the Desert Pocket Mouse ( Chaetodipus penicillatus for my mammalogy friends) — fell from favor with no warning. With each passing month, hopes for a recovery faltered and then dimmed. By fall of 2024, this once thriving population had become a dismal shade of yore.