Rogue Scholar Gönderileri

Digital EcosystemCultureMediaPublishingTechnologyBeşeri Bilimlerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Chroknowlogy
Yazar Joshua Chalifour

The Authors Guild (USA) launched its Human Authored Certification program (29 January 2025). This certification permits its members to register their written works with the Guild as having been created by a human rather than something produced by artificial intelligence (AI). These are some first thoughts I had when reading about the program and reflecting on initiatives with similar goals.

Bildung + OERCreative Commons + LizenzenGrundwissenIn Eigener SacheUrheberrechtHukukAlmanca
Yayınlandı in
Yazar Redaktion

Der Zugang zu Wissen, Information und Kultur ist ein elementares Gut moderner Wissensgesellschaften. Ein neuer Leitfaden von Till Kreutzer unterstützt dabei, die richtige Creative-Commons-Lizenz zu wählen und Inhalte auf diese Weise rechtssicher zu teilen. Der Leitfaden entstand in Kooperation mit Wikimedia Deutschland und der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission. Der Leitfaden „Open Content.

Non ClasséOpen AbstractsOpen Academic AnalyticsOpen AccessOpen CitationsDiğer Sosyal Bilimlerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in OpenCitations blog
Yazar Chiara Di Giambattista

January is a strange month. After the festive whirl of December’s gatherings, it quickly shifts into the hustle and bustle of the new year’s commitments and the work that follows the holidays. For us at OpenCitations, however, it has become a tradition to take a moment at the end of this month to pause after the first hectic weeks of the year.

RSEBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Daniel S. Katz's blog

(please cite this post as Today many researchers are not only capturing new knowledge in papers; they are also creating elements of infrastructure, such as datasets, software, and services. However, traditional methods of support and evaluation haven’t made a concomitant change.

PublishingOpen ScienceProtocolsProtocols.ioReproducibilityBiyolojik Bilimlerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in GigaBlog

This week we are pleased to announce and highlight new updated additions to our long-running collaboration with, linked to our first paper with a peer-reviewed protocol featuring a “Peer-reviewed method” badge on Alongside the addition of new functionality in to submit protocols as method papers to GigaByte . The new GigaByte paper presents a new method expanding the alphabet and

Yayınlandı in Leiden Madtrics
Yazarlar Frank van Vree, Thed van Leeuwen

( To read the English version, click here ) Bij iedere evaluatie van wetenschappelijk onderzoek ligt de vraag voor de hand: hoe presteert een onderzoekseenheid in vergelijking met anderen, nationaal en internationaal? Die vraag is makkelijker gesteld dan beantwoord, want een antwoord laat zich niet gemakkelijk onderbouwen.

Yayınlandı in Simply Ecologist
Yazar Erzsebet Frey

Surprising insights into wildlife populations revealed by the pellet count method – a cost-effective approach for estimating species abundance and habitat use.

WILDLIFE NEWSBiyolojik Bilimlerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Simply Ecologist
Yazar Erzsebet Frey

In a heartbreaking incident, the North Fort Myers eaglet duo recently succumbed to seizures, leaving wildlife enthusiasts and the community in mourning. This devastating news has captured the attention of many who followed the journey of these eaglets in Florida. At the forefront of conservation efforts, these young eagles were symbolic of the larger efforts to sustain and grow the bald eagle population in the region.

EntradasAcuerdoAnastáticoAnomalíaCrítica TextualDiller ve Edebiyatİspanyolca
Yayınlandı in Lucidarios

acuerdo (m.) Coincidencia de una o más lecciones en más de un testimonio, que puede ser usada para establecer una relación de filiación. Sin: coincidencia , → concordancia §1 (fr. accord , ingl. agreement , it. accordo , port. acordo ) Ant: → desacuerdo Bibliografía: Bieler, Grammarian 16-17; Maas, Textkritik 6-9; Pasquali, Storia 181-183;